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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

Hilo's New MMA Gym

Editorial by Carolina Tex

Howdy people,

Coming to you outside the newest addition to the Hilo fighting community - The Hilo Mats! A brand new gym opened up today on the corner of Main and Fist Street, welcoming all MMA aficionados to better themselves at all things fighting. The owner of Hilo Mats, Carolina Tex, stood outside, cigar hanging from his mouth. This top reporter at the Times asked if he was excited to welcome the best that Hilo has to offer. Mr. Tex looked me dead in my soul, and said, "Yea". 

It's open today, and has room to grow. Here at the Times, we look forward to what the future has to offer for this new exciting landmark in the Hilo fighting community.



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