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Royal MMA - 408K Expansion

Royal MMA (408k+), Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Sub Zero

 Royal MMA has now expanded the ID range to include 408k Fighters.

We have made this decision due to all of the other Org's in that ID range closing down over the last couple of weeks, leaving a lot of fighters and future projects without a org to start their careers. We have already started sending contract offers out to fighters recently released from MMA Helsinki and Who's Number One. If you manage a fighter in the 408 and 409 ID range don't hesitate to reach out to Sub Zero or Viktor Volkov for contract talks.

Royal MMA will continue to offer competitive but fair matchups in upcoming cards. With two of our new signings recently joining us from the previously mentioned orgs scheduled to fight for the 145lb title on 22nd Feb.

In other news, Royal MMA had its most succesful event in Amsterdam to kick start the month of February with Krzesimir Boryszko taking the Lightweight title from Nazar Yurchon after only holding the title for one week. Overall an exciting card with only 1 of the 10 fights going the distance the Dutch crowd were treated to a variety of knockouts and submissions.

Keep an eye out for the upcoming Super Heavy Series with the first round of fights scheduled for the 1st of March. The fighters will be confirmed shortly and groups drawn to see who could be the next big beast in London.


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