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A Koshien Winner is back to the MMA Scene

Fighter profile of Endou Mamoru by Daniel Vieira

The MMA Koshien is the high school national level championship of all Japan, Endou Mamoru was a two times winners of this competition, he took off a break, now 3 years later he is back to MMA scene. In early life Mamoru was an energetic and violent kid, he would beat you his friends for fun, so their parents but him in boxing and judo classes, when he was really young, with the purpose of making him more discipline and obedient, and less reckless and violent. But it back lached them, because Mamoru started to sharpen his fighting, making him more of a bully. But when he entered Shark gym, and Tokiwa, an ex-MMA fighter, take a liking of him, he started to concentrate all his violence on the cage. He was known for always accepting fights when he was young, fighting in other gyms , underground events, as well as in the Koshien, which he was a back-to-back winner, his fighting spirit and wiliness to fight earn him the nickname “Shamo 軍鶏” which means fighting rooster in Japanese. But 3 years ago, Tokiwa had a car crash, which lead to his death, Endou didn't take his grief really well, so he give-up in fighting, and started working as a bricklayer, with no hope in life. But 3 years later he received a call from Tokiwa family, they wanted to give him all his fighting equipment and trophies, because they knew he was his favorite pupil. This event lite a fire in the retired shamo hearts, once again the wiliness to fight came back. He started being a sparring partners for some fighters. Then Daniel Vieira discovered this fighter talent, and he is now part of his team.


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