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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

A New Era for Ultimate Fighting Federation

Ultimate Fighting Federation, Fight Organization, Los Angeles
Company profile by Justin Poirier

We are excited to announce that the Ultimate Fighting Federation is expanding its horizons! Effective immediately, fighters from all weight divisions are welcome to join the UFF. Previously, our doors were open exclusively to competitors in the 170, 185, and 205 divisions.

This change marks a significant step forward in our commitment to inclusivity, competition, and the evolution of the sport. We believe that talent knows no weight, and by opening our ranks to fighters of every class, we’re setting the stage for even more exciting matchups and groundbreaking performances.

Join us as we enter a new chapter in the Ultimate Fighting Federation—where every fighter has a chance to prove their worth.

Welcome to the future of fighting. Welcome to the UFF.


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