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First Champion

Fighter profile of Bariga Cocainich by Nasilnik Nasilnik

Do you know what is it «bariga»? No you don’t know what is «bariga». «bariga» is Russian

sleng word translated as drugdealer. So listen the story about one of them Bariga Cocinich –

Cocaine drugdealer and first champion in drugdealers team.

Cocainich had very poor childhood and since he was born he belived only in himself. So he became cocaine drugdealer and combat sambo and BJJ fighter to build his future at the age of 18.

Cocainich turned in MMA at the age of 25 and began to realize his talent of Enstein of BJJ.

In first fight he won tall and sick Fernandol Poe by first round submission. In the second fight

he loose to tough well balanced half-boxer and half-wrestler Jacoby Bryant by 1R TKO. Next

three fights Cocainich won by submissions, before he loose to Dave Herman by dessision. It

was difficult fight. Real heavyweights fight. Herman overworked Cocainich in clinches by using

skills of dirty boxer.

But then after a lot of hard working in the gyms Cocainich rised again like Phienix. He won two very dangerous opponents Ad Santel and Mikko Sarinen by first round submissions.

And then Cocainich loose again by dessision to well-rounded kickboxer  Obidiah Fitzroy. After this fight Cocainich became stronger. He won Olag Clubber by 1R Sub. Then he faced expierenced ex-champion Robert Friedrich. And won him like real genius – wonderful

ground and pound from Cocainich made a bloody mess from Friedrich’s face very fast and then Friedrich was taped and destroyed.

Last fight of Cocainich became a culmination of his career at this moment. He figted for title with dangerous and aggressive 27 year old dagestanian Big Trouble. Cocainich won very fast, because he is real genius. He was very tricky and when he was on the ground he tapped trouble by feinting with his legs. But there was no triangle. Cocainich switched to armbar. And it was aaaaal over!!!

Cocainich - genius of BJJ now have record of 9 vicorys all by submissions (!!!) and 3 loses. He is full of optimism and he continues to build his destiny.     


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