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Johnson out for 16 days

Fighter profile of Jack Johnson by

Jack Johnson has been confirmed to be out estimated in 16 days. Johnson who is currently 4-1 in his professional MMA record won his last fight against heavy-handed Rampage Rampage by unaminous decision winning the fight of the night honors. In the first round it was reported that Johnson suffered a broken nose after getting hit by a stiff jab from Rampage Rampage. In the first round Rampage-Rampage dominate his opponent with combination and hard punches, Johnson who is 24 years old living in Las Vegas has a granite chin and outstanding wrestling he is currently signed with Ultimate Challenge MMA an organization based in Las Vegas. We still don't know what Johnson next fight will be but it is according to Maxwell Hickman, UCMMA owner. In a post fight interview after his fight outside the arena he complimanted Rampage Rampage. "He's the only one who hit me hard(to-date), He's a great fighter, i can see him in the top of the division but i won't fight in a short time. I think he broke my nose after a stiff jab" Said the man who was originally from Los Angeles


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