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Doctors Rule MMA Fighter Brain Damaged

Fighter profile of Rodney Holmes by Tycoon Legend

Doctor's today revealed that Lone Wolf MMA fighter Rodney Holmes has brain damage after participating in the IMMA Beat that Ass LHW tournament. Holmes was rushed to hospital following his exit from the brutal tournament to Binzo Binzo in the semi finals, in what was a shock defeat for the highly favored Holmes. "He never looked himself in that fight. Not only was Holmes favorite to beat Binzo but many believe he was also favorite to take home the 1 million cash prize" said Holmes' manager.

Holmes took over a total 120 head strikes in the tournament which doctor's believe is the cause of the fighters illness. The official medical diagnosis is "traumatic brain injury (TBI) following physical trauma or head injury" according to Dr Milroy. Holmes' IQ was tested prior to entering the tournament & scored an even 100. When retested after the tournament, Holmes' scored a mere 86.

When questioned about his condition, Holmes look puzzled as he replied "I feel the same as I did before the tournament. I don't get what all the fuss is about?" Holmes is scheduled to fight George "The Animal" Steele on November 7th at IMMA 98.


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