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HEAVYSTAR (265+W/C, 190+ID), Fight Organization, Los Angeles
Company profile by General Mills

Hey tycooners,

HEAVYSTAR is a new org in Los Angeles with a 190+ ID restriction. There is one BIG weight class, 265+, but weights ranging anywhere from 250 to 300 lbs or so. So we're looking for the big guys from all over the place!

We're sending out contract offers to fighters from anywhere in tycoon world, and if you can help us out in any way just let us know, or create a new 265+ fighter and that could work too! We're really dedicated in creating an org just for big guys in Los Angeles, and we know it's a very particular weight class and ID restriction, but we added the ID restriction to promote new fighters and to make it a more even playing field for all involved. By the way, we'll pay to fly your fighter in if you need it.

We do have a few fighters already signed up and ready to fight, or maybe even need a little more training time, which is totally fine. It's going to take a few weeks to get everything set to go, but we already have a name ready for the first event, and we want managers and their fighters to be excited about the experience, and that's why we're writing this now for the Tycoon Times paper, because HEAVYSTAR wants to succeed, but we do need your help.

Some managers have said they needed a little more training time, which is fine, but we also want to remind you that there is an ID restriction of 190, so all of the other fighters will be limited in their training as well, and our goal is to offer fair fights to all, no matter what weights are, or hype, or otherwise. 

Thanks! Just shoot the owner a message and let us know how we can accomodate you. Hopefully we can sign your fighter and have our first event soon!



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