MMA Tycoon Game

Advertising on MMA Tycoon

Banner Advertising

MMA Tycoon is an excellent place to advertise your site or product, be it MMA related or a product which shares our highly desireable user demographic.

MMA Tycoon users have unrivalled loyalty. Our average page views per visit is 25-30 pages, with an average visit time of around 25 minutes. If you advertise with us, your brand will actually get noticed.

We offer skyscraper banners in a rotation system. These are shown to all non-VIP users* on every page of the main game. The only pages which don't display ads are the homepage, terms and conditions, contact us and affiliate. That leaves thousands of indexed pages for your ad to appear on, within MMA Tycoon. All the site is visible without logging in, so can be spidered.

At the moment we are operating a 6 banner rotation. 120x600 pixels.


Sponsored News Feed

We also have a news feed section, within the game itself. If you would like your site to appear as our official news feed, you can sponsor that for any period of time over 1 month.


RSS Feed for Podcasts

Finally, if you have a podcast, you can add your podcast to our RSS Feed in the forum, which displays all new podcasts in a special section within the forum. Contact us for more information.


OR why not join the game as a company and advertise that way???

Of course, the most fun way to advertise your company within MMA Tycoon is to actually join the game! If you run a real life clothing company, nutrition company or MMA fight organization, why not join the game and create that company within the game? That will provide you with as much free advertising as you like.


For further information and pricing, please contact [email protected]



* VIP users: All our members are given the option to view the site ad free if they pay a $30 yearly fee. VIP membership is targeted at around 17% of membership.

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