MMA Tycoon Game

265+ division

Org name: Synchronicity
Fighters signed: 176
Number of events: 1104
Base: Las Vegas
Owner: Outlaw Bleak
Website: SYN Discord
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
SYN 1069 Stark vs Stonk II 2024-05-10 Los Angeles
SYN 1070 Sergey vs Anton 2024-05-19 Los Angeles
SYN 1071 Cruz vs Brown 2024-05-26 Los Angeles
SYN 1072 Diggs vs Doherty 2024-06-01 Tokyo
SYN 1073 2024-06-02 Los Angeles
Weight Name Last Win
135 Danny Cruz Jake Rodrigues
145 Hoodoo Brown Evan Duvernay
155 Satanic Panic Darsin Bleak
170 Tagnarach Kamara Cormac McCarthy
185 Willie Diggs Brock Dredd
205 Duck Dodgers Danny Danger
265 Ryu Inhanamoto Orestes Prometheus
265+ Sergey Vinogradov Balin Trollslayer

View title history


Looking at how to best incorporate a 385k+ division here to allow youth to fight at their own skill level while developing for the division they are meant to fight in. Perhaps open weight class and keep the fights as close to size matchup as possible? Or keep it as is where it's simply open weight, but restricted by ID.

This would not fade out the current roster of 25YO creations who made their way from Highland, but that division is dwindling as expected, and figure it could be used for a youth development division for your guys who are just not quite ready to take on the elite in their weight class.

Current 385k+ fighters who are on the roster would be allowed to move over into that division if they wish. I could potentially hold micro-tournaments or do other cool little side ideas for manager enjoyment.

Feel free to message me with thoughts on this, as well as suggestions. Help me pick it apart and tell me why it won't work, or give me suggestions that will make it a game changer.

Thank you all for your diligence as we rebuild this org into greatness.

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