MMA Tycoon Game

GAMMA: Updated Historical page

Org name: Global Association of MMA
Fighters signed: 158
Number of events: 1139
Base: London
Owner: Mentor Guru Corleone
Website: GAMMA Historical Records
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
GAMMA#1060 Radu v Milo 2024-05-11 London
GAMMA#1061 Sitsongrit v Katsu 2024-05-11 Los Angeles
GAMMA#1062 Nuufo v Kurt 2024-05-18 London
GAMMA#1063 Giant v Jarrod 2024-05-18 Los Angeles
GAMMA#1064 2024-05-25 London
Weight Name Last Win
145 Charles Mesquita Mickey Dismantle
155 Surianglek Sitsongrit Chris John
170 Oliver Robson Glen Hoddle
185 Radu Dracul Milo Andrianakis
205 Kollaa River David Hanson
265+ Giant Benandonner Nuufo Seanoa

View title history


I have recently spent some time to update the GAMMA historical page. More specifically, now you can get a "live" update of the greatest fighters and managers in the organization's history. This means that i update the page as soon as a new fighter or manager is added, there is a separate document with tables and calculations ranking each fighter and manager.

Here is the link to the history page:

I have also made some adjustments to the formula for ranking fighters. This is how the formula looked before:

Old System
Highest rank - #1 60
Highest rank - #2 45
Highest rank - #3 30
Highest rank - #4 24
Highest rank - #5 20
Highest rank - #6 17
Highest rank - #7 14
Highest rank - #8 12
Highest rank - #9 11
Highest rank - #10 10

GAMMA Fighter of the year = 60
2nd place = 45
3rd place = 30

Tycoon Fighter of the year = 60
Tycoon Division Fighter of the year = 60

This is how the formula looks now:

New System
Highest rank - #1 100
Highest rank - #2 90
Highest rank - #3 80
Highest rank - #4 70
Highest rank - #5 60
Highest rank - #6 50
Highest rank - #7 45
Highest rank - #8 40
Highest rank - #9 35
Highest rank - #10 30

GAMMA Fighter of the year = 100
2nd place = 75
3rd place = 60

In short, i have totally removed the in game awards (because they are basically defunt now and very biased) and instead enhanced the in game top 10 rankings (which is based upon a formula) and the GAMMA awards (which is also based on a formula).

This is how the top rankings for fighters looks now:

I think the new system is more accurate and fair.

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