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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
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Episode II: A Child’s Cry

Carnage Clothing , Nutrition Company, Las Vegas
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Episode II: A Child’s Cry



Wednesday February 17th – 11:34AM

Outside of a daycare centre in Las Vegas, Nevada, a boy is sitting on the stairs, head in hands. Every few seconds his chest heaves, and his tiny little body spasms as if it is trying to shake something loose. A cold perhaps? Covid? Your mind is already turning away from him - should have worn a mask kid - and you feel the briefest bit of shame for being so callous. As you get closer, you hear that that he’s crying. No, not crying, but sobbing. Unfiltered and traumatic, it pierces your heart and you are about to approach when a man sits down next to him, wrapping his big arms around the boy and holding him close. Undefined words of encouragement and reassuring whispers, the boy finally looks up, wiping tears and snot from his face.


“Do you want to tell me what happened?” the man (his father you now assume) says softly.

One last spasm and the boy sighs deeply. “It was Harmony and Tranquility, they were bullying me again.”

The father echoes his son’s sigh. “I fear we’ve done you wrong, son. We’ve always taught you to turn the other cheek, ignore the taunts and the teasing, because the world is full of bullies. Those that think they’re better than you, work in bigger organizations, have stronger backing or more money. They’ll always look down on people like us, those who are willing to work hard to earn what we get. I just don’t know what to do.”

Another man, well dressed, smiling and holding a balloon, makes confidence steps towards the pair. Here you go kid, he says as hands the child the balloon. He then turns in your direction. 


Hi, I’m Punch McDermott, world-class MMA Tycoon fighter, hater of bullies and part time child psychologist. Does this scene look familiar to you? Are you constantly looking over your shoulder and not focusing on what’s in front of you? Ashamed of crying in public and looking for a better life?


Hey, that’s not fair, the father says.

Don’t be a Harmony, be Carnage! A new clothing store right here in Las Vegas, Carnage is your one-stop shop for all your clothing needs at affordable prices. Run by Dead Disney and approved by thousands, you’ll cause havoc in your new Cypress Skull shirt and GJJ Fighter shorts. With new designs appearing on shelves near you, you’ll never have to turn the other cheek again. Be a better you, be Carnage.


Who’s he talking to, Daddy?


The father is nodding slowly, wiping his own tears away. All of us, son, all of us.


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