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Coming up we have a welterweight MMA rules bout between Theodore Holmstrom (ranked 2716 p4p, 22829 weight class) and Sky Genie (ranked 342 p4p, 612 weight class). Rumors backstage are that the fighters have been paid to keep it standing but we know that would never happen in MMA!

181 cm
3 - 3 - 0
185 cm
7 - 15 - 0
Good wrestling
Solid boxing
Self confident
BJJ Blue Belt



Ladies and gentlemen. This fight is 3 rounds, in the welterweight division.
Introducing the fighter to my left, fighting out of the red corner.
With a record of 3 - 3 - 0, fighting out of New York, Theodore Holmstrom!
And introducing the fighter to my right, fighting out of the blue corner.
With a record of 7 - 15 - 0, fighting out of Sydney, Sky Genie!
The judges for this bout are Trevor Gratis, William Peck and Dillan Fox.

The bell rings for round one and we are underway!

Holmstrom fakes a strike and closes the distance, dragging Genie to the ground. Holmstrom is now in Genie's guard.
Holmstrom tries to stand but Genie is controlling from the bottom.
Genie trying to strike from the bottom but really, it's not the best position to be doing that from!
Holmstrom trying to stand up but can't free himself from Genie's guard.
Genie trying to strike from the bottom but really, it's not the best position to be doing that from!
The fighters are pressed up against the cage, both looking to find a bit of space to work.
Genie throwing strikes off his back to little effect.
Genie trying to strike from the bottom but really, it's not the best position to be doing that from!
Genie throwing strikes off his back to little effect.
The referee wants the fighters to be more active or he's going to reset them on the feet.
Genie striking off his back but it's not causing Holmstrom any problems.

The referee decides to stand the fighters back up.

Genie pushes Holmstrom up against the cage in a clinch.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
A frustrated look appears on Holmstrom's face as he tries to break the clinch.

Genie's corner calls for him to break the clinch, which he does.

Holmstrom closes the distance and after a bit of a stuggle, scores a takedown into Genie's guard.
Holmstrom definitely looks more muscular than last time we saw him fight.
Holmstrom tries to stand but Genie is controlling from the bottom.
Genie bucks up whilst keeping hold of a body lock, managing to reverse the position. Now he's in top in Holmstrom's guard.

Holmstrom knows he needs to get back to his feet asap. He's simply no match for Genie on the ground.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Holmstrom is trying to stand up but he's not managed so far.
Holmstrom avoiding any damage from the ground and pound.
Genie landing some decent shots from guard.
Genie postures up and lands some nice ground and pound.
Genie throwing strikes but missing.
Genie throwing strikes but missing.
Genie stops Holmstrom from standing up.
Genie throwing strikes from guard but Holmstrom blocks nicely.
Holmstrom is looking to get back to his feet but can't, whilst Genie is controlling him.
Genie throws a big right hand that misses.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Genie throwing elbows and punches but not connecting, as Holmstrom works some decent striking defense from the bottom.
Genie prevents Holmstrom from getting back to his feet.
The fighters are starting to get a bit slippery now, which will make submissions a bit more difficult.
Genie keeps in close for a moment and lands a decent shot to the side of Holmstrom's head.
Holmstrom on his back here. We all know that wrestlers don't like being on their back so let's see if Holmstrom tries to get out of the position.
Genie loading up with the ground and pound but he's missing more than he's landing in this flurry.
Holmstrom wants to stand up but Genie is controlling him.
Holmstrom utilising some decent striking defenses from the guard, preventing the ground and pound.
Genie is looking to work some ground and pound but Holmstrom has wrist control.
Genie with a nice head shot there.
Holmstrom preventing the ground and pound from doing any damage.
Genie passes Holmstrom's right leg, so he's now in half guard.
Genie working some ground and pound from close in. He's looking to maintain this position and strike for a while by the looks of things... although he'll probably advance to full mount in a minute now I've said that.
Genie moves nicely into side control.
Genie is putting a hurting on Holmstrom here, landing some big shots from side control.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Holmstrom wants to escape from the position here - easier said than done!
Genie is putting a hurting on Holmstrom here, landing some big shots from side control.
Holmstrom is not in a great position here, taking some shots.
Holmstrom avoids any damage from the ground and pound of Genie.
Genie advances to full mount.
Genie dominating with strikes here.
Holmstrom is looking to get back to his feet - it's going to be hard from this position.
Genie with a couple of short strikes.
The crowd growing excited in anticipation of a finish here! Right on cue, Genie cracks his opponent with a massive right hand that draws loud cheers!
Genie won't let Holmstrom get back to his feet... He wants to keep the fight where it is for now.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Genie looking to finish Holmstrom with some ground and pound. This is bad for Holmstrom!
Genie looks winded!
Holmstrom is in a horrible position here. Genie smacks him with another shot as he tries to escape the position.
Genie is landing with some decent strikes but Holmstrom is trying to advance his position so the referee is letting the fight continue.
This has been an exciting period of action!
Holmstrom wants to try and get back to his feet.
Genie fakes a shot to the body and cracks his opponent in the head. Nice ground and pound there!
Genie throwing shots from mount but they're not landing.
Genie has the superior BJJ but he's also working some ground strikes into his gameplan.
Holmstrom wants to try and get back to his feet.
Holmstrom is in a horrible position here. Genie smacks him with another shot as he tries to escape the position.
Genie breaks from Holmstrom's wrist control and lands an elbow.
Holmstrom is trying to escape but when you're mounted that's not too easy.
Genie scoring with some good ground and pound from mount here. Will he manage to finish Holmstrom?
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Sky Genie dominated that round.
The referee calls time. The cornermen exit stage left and we're back to business.

Holmstrom feints and as Genie raises his hands in defense, Holmstrom changes levels and drives through with a takedown into guard.
Genie throwing rabbit punches from the bottom - showing the judges that he's keeping busy.
Holmstrom tries to stand but Genie is controlling from the bottom.
Genie trying to strike off his back.
The ref warns both fighters not to hold the cage as they work up against the meshing.
Genie throws some sloppy strikes off his back.
Genie throws some sloppy strikes off his back.
Holmstrom wants to stand but Genie has a closed guard, so he can't escape.
Genie tries to strike from the bottom.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Genie doesn't do any damage with a couple of strikes from the bottom.

The ref stands the fighters back up due to a lack of activity.
Nice straight punches there by Holmstrom. You know Roy Jones Jr respects the hands of Holmstrom.
Genie looks to clinch
and Genie takes a counter punch right on the button for his troubles.
Genie closes the distance and takes a jab right on the nose as he does so.
Sky Genie seems to be the more aggressive standup fighter in this bout.
Genie tries to clinch but Holmstrom moves out of range.
It looked like Holmstrom wanted to counter with a hook but didn't fully commit.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Holmstrom circles away from the clinch attempt
and Holmstrom counters with a stiff right hand.
Genie looks to clinch
and Holmstrom counters with a stiff right hand.
Genie is looking to take this fight into the clinch.

Holmstrom shoots in for a takedown and gets it. Let's see what he's got on the mat.
Genie throwing strikes off his back to little effect.

Holmstrom stands up from Genie's guard - Holmstrom perhaps looking for a knockout.
Holmstrom lands a beauty of a right hand that gets the crowd cheering.
Sky Genie is looking to keep the fight on the feet at all costs.

Genie moves into range and clinches up with Holmstrom.
Genie is trying to break the clinch but Holmstrom has him pressed against the cage.

Holmstrom manages to break the clinch.
Genie tries to close the distance and clinch but Holmstrom swats him to one side with an open hand palm strike and circles away.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Holmstrom lands a jab.

Holmstrom decides to change it up a bit and drives through with a nice takedown into half guard.
The crowd are loving this. Great action here.
Genie moves his hips nicely and gets into full guard.
Holmstrom trying to stand up but can't free himself from Genie's guard.
Genie thows some rabbit punches from the bottom but they don't do any damage.
Genie trying to punch from his back but it's not doing any damage.
Holmstrom wants to get up but he can't break Genie's closed guard. He needs to be careful trying to break the legs open, as he's open to submissions here.
Genie thows some rabbit punches from the bottom but they don't do any damage.
Genie throws a couple of shots from the bottom but they don't land.
Holmstrom would like to get this fight back to the feet but can't get free from the closed guard.

The referee has motioned to the fighters to stand back up.

Holmstrom closes the distance and after a bit of a stuggle, scores a takedown into Genie's guard.
Both fighters are absolutely exhausted here.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Holmstrom wants to stand but Genie has a closed guard, so he can't escape.
Genie is working the butterfly guard. He manages to land a nice scissor sweep and is now in half guard on the top. Nice move.

Genie lands strikes from half guard.
Genie takes advantage of the dominant position to land a couple of big hammer fists.
Holmstrom avoiding damage under a succession of punches from Genie.
Holmstrom pushes Genie off looking to stand but Genie dives back in and keeps control.
Genie not throwing his punches with enough precision this time.
Genie takes advantage of the dominant position to land a couple of big hammer fists.
Ground and pound from Genie.
Genie scoring with strikes to the body and head.
Genie has been the more effective fighter overall so far.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Genie drops an elbow to the side of Holmstrom's head.
Ground and pound from Genie.
Genie seems to be taking a bit of a break to think of his next move. He lands a short punch in the meantime.
Holmstrom blocking the ground and pound attempt from Genie.
Genie working Holmstrom over with strikes.
Holmstrom tries to kick Genie off but Genie keeps his base steady and stays in half guard.
Genie throwing shots but Holmstrom is blocking nicely.
Holmstrom wants to get back to his feet.
Genie throwing punches and elbows but they're not doing any damage.
Holmstrom is trying to stand up here but Genie is controlling him well.
Genie working Holmstrom over with strikes.
Genie stops Holmstrom from getting back to his feet.
And that is the end of the round. The fighters go back to their corners.

Theodore Holmstrom dominated that second round.
The fighters' corners scream their final instructions, as the referee calls time. Here we go, back to the action! This is the final round!

Holmstrom scores with a nice takedown into half guard. Let's see what he's got on the ground.
Genie punching from the bottom.
Holmstrom wants to stand up but Genie is controlling the position.
Genie punching from the bottom.
Genie slips a foot under and gets full guard. Nice work.
Genie manages to sweep nicely, so he's now on top. Holmstrom manages to get himself to full guard.

Holmstrom preventing the ground and pound from doing any damage.
Genie throws a big elbow that misses.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Genie lands a couple of elbows.
Holmstrom is trying to stand up but he's not managed so far.
Genie postures up to throw the ground and pound strikes but they don't connect.
Both fighters are breathing heavily.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Holmstrom is looking to get back to his feet but can't, whilst Genie is controlling him.
Genie scores with a decent looking elbow strike.
Holmstrom wants to stand but Genie is controlling the position.
Holmstrom preventing the ground and pound from doing any damage.
Holmstrom is looking to stand up but Genie isn't so interested in that idea.

The referee has stepped in and called for a break in the action. We'll restart on the feet.

Holmstrom gets tackled into the cage by Genie. Genie maintains the clinch.
Holmstrom blocks a punch to the side of the head.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
The crowd are showing their displeasure at the lack of action as loud boos ring out around the arena.

Holmstrom pushes off and circles away, back to the middle of the mat.

Holmstrom looks for a takedown. He's got it. We're now in half guard.
Genie works his way to full guard. Good work.
Genie throws a couple of shots from the bottom but they don't land.
Holmstrom has decided he wants to stand but the closed guard of Genie is proving hard to escape from.
Genie throwing some rather feeble looking strikes off his back.
Holmstrom has decided he wants to stand but the closed guard of Genie is proving hard to escape from.
There's a bit of a scramble here and now Genie is on top in guard.

Holmstrom is trying to stand up but he's not managed so far.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Genie is working Holmstrom over from the guard. He should look to pass the guard and do a little more damage with these strikes.
Genie postures up and lands some nice ground and pound.
Genie throwing shots from guard but he's hitting more mat than opponent.
Holmstrom preventing the ground and pound from doing any damage.
Genie works over Holmstrom with some ground and pound from guard.
Genie keeps in close for a moment and lands a decent shot to the side of Holmstrom's head.
Holmstrom wants to stand and escape but Genie is having none of it.
Genie working some strikes from top position.
Genie missing there with some ground and pound from the guard.
Genie working some strikes from top position.
Holmstrom wants to stand and escape but Genie is having none of it.
A big thud reverberates around the arena there as Genie accidentally thumps the mat. Hopefully he's not broken his hand.
Genie throws a big elbow that misses.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Genie stops Holmstrom from standing up.
Genie working some strikes from top position.
Holmstrom wants to stand and escape but Genie is having none of it.
Genie scoring with some ground and pound.
Genie throwing shots from guard but he's hitting more mat than opponent.
Genie works over Holmstrom with some ground and pound from guard.
Holmstrom preventing the ground and pound from doing any damage.
Genie scores with a decent looking elbow strike.
Genie landing some decent shots from guard.
Holmstrom is looking to stand up but Genie isn't so interested in that idea.
The crowd thankful this round is nearly over.

The referee has decided to stand the fighters back up, so we'll restart on the feet.

And that's the end of the fight!
Sky Genie comfortably won the final round on my scorecard.
I think Genie has won this one but let's see whether the judges agree with me. Over to the ring announcer for the scorecards.

Ladies and gentlemen, after 3 rounds of action, we go to the scorecards for a decision.
Judge Trevor Gratis scores the fight 28:29
Judge William Peck scores the fight 28:29
Judge Dillan Fox scores the fight 28:29

In favor of your winner, by unanimous decision... Sky Genie!
G S C G energy
A | B
A | B
A | B
A | B
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