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Bots de Garra 177 PBP Commentary

192 cm
32 yrs
205 lbs

177 cm
44 yrs
167 lbs

This TWGC bout is 1 fifteen minute round in the super heavyweight division. Introducing today's competitors. In the red corner, competing out of London, with a TWGC record of 67 wins and 37 losses; Ricky Clubber! And in the blue corner, fighting out of Los Angeles, with a TWGC record of 24 wins and 22 losses; Ian Laperierre!
The judges for this bout are Thiago Cunha, Seu Braga and Matheus Silva.

The fighters connect hands in the middle of the mat and we are under way.

The fight moves into the clinch position.
Laperierre jumps guard but Clubber stands there with Laperierre around his waist. Laperierre gives up and drops back to his feet. We remain in the clinch.
Laperierre is pressed up against the ropes. Clubber has hold of a leg and is looking to drag Laperierre down to the mat. Laperierre avoids the attempt though and has circled away. We're back to striking at a distance.

Laperierre rushes Clubber and pushes him back against the ropes in a clinch.

Clubber works for the underhooks and manages to get a trip takedown into guard.
Score +2 for takedown into guard / half guard: Clubber (2) vs (0) Laperierre
Laperierre looking to sweep here. No luck so far.
A real slowdown in the pace of the fight for a moment, as Laperierre holds on and takes a little breather.
Clubber controlling from the top position.
We've had a slow start to the round here - hopefully the action picks up.
Laperierre wants to sweep but no luck.

That's one minute gone in the round.
Laperierre has a butterfly guard looking to sweep but Clubber has passed into side control.
Score +3 for passing guard: Clubber (5) vs (0) Laperierre
The fighters are tangled up in the ropes here. We might need a restart if the fighters can't break free themselves.
Laperierre wants to control but Clubber postures up.
Laperierre is looking to reverse the position.
Laperierre keeps Clubber under control for a moment.
Laperierre is trying to control Clubber's posture but Clubber avoids it.
A lull in the action here as Clubber stalls from top position.

That's two minutes gone in the round.
Laperierre tries to buck Clubber off but Clubber is having none of it.
Clubber has improved his flexibility recently so we will have to see if he can use that to his advantage.
Clubber is staying tight to Laperierre's torso, preventing him from escaping.
You can see the frustration on Laperierre's face, being in this tough position on the bottom.
Clubber controlling the position.
Clubber gets to mount! Laperierre was on the offensive and wasn't defending properly.
Score +2 for reaching mount: Clubber (7) vs (0) Laperierre
The fighters are trapped in the ropes so we're going to have a reposition here. The ref calls for a break and repositions the fighters in the center of the ring.
Laperierre working to try and regain half guard.

That's three minutes gone in the round.
Clubber trying to control but Laperierre is having none of it.
Laperierre is working to get back to half guard.
Clubber trying to control but Laperierre is having none of it.
Clubber controlling the position easily from mount.

That's four minutes gone in the round.
Laperierre is desperately trying to get back to half guard.
Clubber tucks in and makes sure he doesn't lose the dominant position.
Laperierre really trying hard to get back to half guard here.
Laperierre is persisting with the attempt to improve his position.
Clubber can't quite control the action as he would like just now, as Laperierre is looking to escape.
Laperierre tries to improve his position but instead Clubber has taken his back!
Score +3 for taking back: Clubber (10) vs (0) Laperierre

That's five minutes gone in the round.
Laperierre tries to escape the position.
Clubber avoiding Laperierre 's attempts to control his hands.
Clubber slows the pace down here. Having a little breather whilst he's in a dominant position, looking to rest and regain some energy, ready to go for the finish.
Clubber gets his hands free as Laperierre looks to control.
You know, I was talking to some of our celebrities at ringside tonight and they were split right down the middle on who was going to win this fight.
Laperierre trying to control but he's just got himself in more trouble.

That's six minutes gone in the round.
Clubber has good solid back control here.
Laperierre can't escape the position.
We've been informed that Laperierre has been working hard on his conditioning in the buildup to the fight.
Laperierre trying to control the hands but Clubber breaks the grip.

That's seven minutes gone in the round.
Clubber just keeping the dominant position. He can't wait too long though, otherwise the referee will stand them back up.
Laperierre wants to escape the position.
Clubber gets his hands free as Laperierre looks to control.
Clubber controls the position.
Laperierre is in bad spot here.
Laperierre trying to control the position but Clubber manages to sink in the hooks.
Clubber will need to keep those long limbs tucked in whilst he's on the ground, to prevent any submissions.
Clubber slows the pace down here. Having a little breather whilst he's in a dominant position, looking to rest and regain some energy, ready to go for the finish.

That's eight minutes gone in the round.
Laperierre looks to control his opponent's hands but he's not mananging it at the moment.
What can Laperierre do to escape this position? He's going to have to figure it out pretty quick if he wants to stay in the fight!
Laperierre wants to escape the position.
Clubber controls the action.
Laperierre wants to escape the position.

That's nine minutes gone in the round.
Laperierre just trying to survive but Clubber is wriggling into a better position, looking to finish.
Laperierre is really stuck here.
Clubber trying to secure his dominant position for a moment - making sure Laperierre doesn't escape.
You can see the frustration on Laperierre's face… He knows he is in trouble unless he improves his position sooner rather than later.
Clubber wants to control but Laperierre is keeping busy.
Clubber slows the pace down here. Having a little breather whilst he's in a dominant position, looking to rest and regain some energy, ready to go for the finish.

That's ten minutes gone in the round.
Laperierre is defending well here and trying to improve his position.
Clubber really has the hooks in deep now - there seems like no escape for Laperierre.
Clubber has the hooks in. Laperierre is trying to push off one leg but he has to do so cautiously to avoid being submitted.
Laperierre trying to control the hands but Clubber breaks the grip.
Clubber keeps control of the position easily here as Laperierre tries to buck him off.

That's eleven minutes gone in the round.
Clubber has the hooks in. Laperierre is trying to push off one leg but he has to do so cautiously to avoid being submitted.
Clubber keeps control of the position easily here as Laperierre tries to buck him off.
Laperierre trying to control but he's just got himself in more trouble.
You can see the frustration on Laperierre's face… He knows he is in trouble unless he improves his position sooner rather than later.
Laperierre trying to control the action but Clubber just sinks the hooks in.
Laperierre is trying to break free.

That's twelve minutes gone in the round.
Laperierre trying to control but he's just got himself in more trouble.
Laperierre tries to escape the position.
Clubber just keeping the dominant position. He can't wait too long though, otherwise the referee will stand them back up.
Laperierre trying to control the action but Clubber just sinks the hooks in.
Clubber controls the action.
Laperierre trying to control the hands but Clubber breaks the grip.

That's thirteen minutes gone in the round.
Laperierre is being controlled on the ground here - he must escape this position otherwise surely the end is near.
Clubber's ground tactics aren't going to win him many fans. Let's hope he's got fireworks for us if he gets back to his feet because he's not doing much on the ground.
Laperierre wants to escape the position.
Laperierre tries to escape the position - he's now mounted. Is that better or worse? Hard to tell!

That's fourteen minutes gone in the round.
Laperierre is trying to escape the mount.
Laperierre looking to escape from mount but he's given up his back!
Score +3 for taking back: Clubber (13) vs (0) Laperierre
I would not like to be Laperierre right now.
Laperierre tries to escape the position.
Boooooooooooooooooooo!!! God, this has been a terrible round. Come on you two, sort yourselves out!
Clubber is riding his opponent, not letting Laperierre buck him off.

And that's the end of the fight!
Clubber takes the fight on points by 13 to 0.
Ricky Clubber seemed lost for words in his post fight interview but he remembered to thank his fans and directed everyone to his website.
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