MMA Tycoon Game

New Island Gym Options

Org name: Highland: Resurrection
Fighters signed: 123
Number of events: 180
Base: Montreal
Owner: Thomas Edwards
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
HRL81 2024-04-27 Amsterdam
HRL82 2024-04-27 New York
HRL83 2024-05-04 New York
Weight Name Last Win
135 Colby Taylor Caleb Jones
145 Small Richard Colby Taylor
155 Lucky Lemon Santino Oliviera
170 Mounir Ayari Roger Glover
185 Anton Krylov Jasper Leeuwenhoek
205 Raimo Kivi Fabio Gurgel
265 Wang Jang Jai Ante Petric
265+ Ryder Young Ricky Thompson

View title history


Elite Island Training - 5162, The Island $500 a week. Team as our fighters are becoming more economically stable and there are more effective options that the Cozad gym for your money. A new gym just popped up Elite Island Training and looks like PhoQus Island Training. Get your fighters in better gyms while there is room.

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