MMA Tycoon Game


Org name: Stepping Stone Grappling & KT
Fighters signed: 196
Number of events: 338
Base: New York
Owner: David Septim
Website: Forum Page
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
SSG 294 Hall vs Bar 2024-04-21 New York
SSG 295 Finn vs Chai 2024-04-21 Montreal
SSG 296 2024-04-28 New York
SSG 297 2024-04-28 Los Angeles
SSG 298 2024-04-28 Las Vegas
Weight Name Last Win
185 Huckleberry Finn Rolf Ottke
205 Isamu San Chai Tony Clifton
265 Wilhelm Bar Tendren Hlervu

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Stepping Stone Grappling is a Semi Open-Weight lowbie grappling org. The weight class split fluctuates from week to week but is around 180 pounds.
We are currently signing fighters up to Exceptional/Black (255 points). Minimum requirements are Proficient/blue, Feeble/purple or any brown belt. Currently not signing white belts.

Matchups are determined first on total skill points (WR+BJJ), then fighter ID, then if you've fought the other guy recently.
Fight offers are typically sent Sunday nights with Thursdays being the primary day to replace fights that have fallen through.

Weekend Event profits will be split amongst the OTN winners.

Sub of the Night = Fastest sub and FOTN is longest fight with a sub.

Why should you join a grappling org?
1. No energy loss.
2. No affect on manager rank.
3. Gain in fighter popularity.
4. Get paid 2-4 times a month plus awards.

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