MMA Tycoon Game

Org Update

Org name: Underground Cage Fighting (394k+)
Fighters signed: 134
Number of events: 95
Base: Las Vegas
Owner: Jason Swanson
Website: UCF Forum Page
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
UCF 94: Chuck v Bolkvadze 2024-12-21 London
UCF 95: Hanma v Adunga Jr 2024-12-21 New York
Weight Name Last Win
135 Luke Smith Mick Taylor
145 Marlon Myers Kevin Schnitzer
155 Enzo Belmiro Macho Fantastico
170 Oenomaus Doctore Muthafucka Jones
185 Tommy Santoro T Mustana Chai
205 Joe Wick Murha Puro
265 Isopaa Hunter Akimbo Spice Chai Jr

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Vaz is taking ownership of DMMA very soon... so any of you guys that have fighters that need an open ID home which isn't quite Combate or SYN are very welcome to come fight at DMMA. I wanted to make sure that your 394k+ guys weren't left with no org to fight in so the UCF roster will be transferred over to DMMA and will still be fighting at 394k+. NOT at open ID. When managers feel like their closed ID guys are ready to make the jump up just send me a PM and I will begin mixing in open ID opponents into your fight offers. A pay increase is included with this move. I would also like to mention that if any of you aren't interested in moving I can release your fighter(s) from contract no problem.

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