MMA Tycoon Game

SYN | Manager Rankings Update, New Website and access to SYNs history

Org name: Synchronicity
Fighters signed: 191
Number of events: 1171
Base: Las Vegas
Owner: Keyshawn Stacks
Website: SYN Official Website
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
SYN 1133 Danger vs. Chai II 2025-01-24 Las Vegas
SYN 1134 Bollomard vs. Drake 2025-01-25 Las Vegas
SYN 1135 Ryan vs. Kamara 2025-01-26 Las Vegas
SYN 1136 2025-01-31 Las Vegas
SYN 1137 2025-02-01 Las Vegas
Weight Name Last Win
135 Lennart Hohenthal Frank Hernandez
145 Ben Crispian Kaengsaklek Sitsongrit
155 Ben Crispian Jacques Bollomard
170 Tagnarach Kamara Gustav Harakka
185 Gord Ryan Ivan Jankovic
205 Raven Harris Edgars Al Dariush
265 David Oneil Vasko Madzarov
265+ David Oneil Thomas English

View title history


SYN has its history intertwined with MMA Tycoon's. We are now allowing all managers to access the complete data about fights, records and a new revamped Manager Ranking.

The new point system is as follows:
- 1 point for title fight draw
- 1 point for non title wins
- 2 point for OTN award
- 3 points for title fight win
- 4 points for Tournament win
- 5 points for breaking record
- 10 Points for HOF fighter

We have also linked our new website to SYNs organization page. You can access the direct links for Manager Rankings, Records Page and Database and new dataset containing all fights history from SYN.

It's the most comprehensible and complete database for an MMA Tycoon organization.

The rankings and records will be updated monthly.

We also want to remind all of the new award system for 2025:

- SYN Fighter of the year (Winner gets 3 months VIP +2Million)

- SYN Manager of the year (Winner gets 6 months VIP +2million)

- SYN Smack talker of the year (winner gets 3 months VIP +2million)

- SYN Alliance of the year (Winning Alliance gets 12 million)

The basis of judging these will be very clearcut and easy.

- Fighter of the year will be given to the most dominant fighter of that year (title wins + overall win loss record + volume of wins)

- Manager of the year will be given to the manager who won the most championships that year.

- Alliance of the year will be given to the alliance that wins the most championships that year.

- And Smack talker of the year will be given to the person who is the most active and has the best smack talk in the smack talk thread

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