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GAMMA: Fighter of the year

Org name: Global Association of MMA
Fighters signed: 157
Number of events: 1191
Base: London
Owner: Mentor Guru Corleone
Website: GAMMA Historical Records
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
GAMMA#1131 Cleever v Farquhars 2025-01-25 Los Angeles
GAMMA#1132 Bond v Godwin 2025-01-25 Tokyo
GAMMA#1133 Hawk v Fred 2025-02-01 Tokyo
GAMMA#1134 Kimi v Sean 2025-02-01 Los Angeles
GAMMA#1135 Wusan v Raja 2025-02-08 London
Weight Name Last Win
145 Kimi Enqvist Sean O Malley
155 Chris John Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
170 Gunner Bond Oliver Robson
185 Wusan Ritori Nikolai Ignatiev
205 Ivan Petrov Leon Smith
265+ Hawk Fleximario Ryder Young

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This has been the closest fighter of the year award ever, with it all going to the wire on the last event of the season! We finally have a winner! Here are the final standings:

Hawk Fleximario (381495) 57 Points (14 fights)
Gunner Bond (385133) 57 Points (15 fights)
Oliver Robson (371838) 51 Points (14 fights)
Kurt Zweihander (380144) 51 Points (15 Fights)
Surianglek Sitsongrit (364851) 50 Points
Wusan Ritori (379189) 43 Points
Janko Godwin (385182) 42 Points
Milo Andrianakis (365202) 42 Points
Luuk Benjamin (383963) 41 Points
Sean O Malley (366772) 40 Points
Richard Mesquita (383074) 40 Points

Essentially we have a draw for 1st and 3rd place! However Hawk edged Gunner as he achieved his result with 1 fight less! Oliver also edged out Kurt for the same reason, he had 14 fights, Kurt had 15 fights during the year!

As a reminder, this is how the points are accumulated:

+3 points for a win,
+1 point for a draw,
+1 point if the fight was a title fight or super fight (between other orgs),
+1 point for fight of the night award.
-In the case there is a draw, we take into consideration total fights in GAMMA during the year (fewer the better)
-In the case of a draw again we take into consideration finishes.

Note: Only fights in GAMMA (including super fights) are taken into consideration.

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