MMA Tycoon Game

WOVA 1: Date Locked In!

Org name: World Organization of Violent Athletes (410K)
Fighters signed: 72
Number of events: 2
Base: New York
Owner: Jack Howard
Website: WOVA Discord
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Upcoming events
WOVA 1: Genesis 2025-03-08 New York
WOVA Fight Night: Bloodline 2025-03-15 Las Vegas
Weight Name Last Win
No champions crowned.

View title history


The wait is over. WOVA’s debut event will take place March 8th at the NYC Liberty Dome. The fight card is being assembled, and the warriors of the WOVA are ready for war. Who will make history? Who will fall?

Stay tuned for the official fight card reveal—coming soon.

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