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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

Sucker Punch Pro Series 110 - Event Preview

Event Preview: Sucker Punch Pro Series 110
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2022-01-14, Los Angeles, LA Memorial Colossuseum
Author:Hare Rumpler

Hello to all our fantastic Sucker Punch fans worldwide out there!  Hare here and I’ll be joined shortly by my buddy and analyst, Donkey “Dan”…and I won’t lie…we’re in full scramble mode here because we very much still owe you all a good review of SPPS 109 which took place two nights ago…but here we are also with practically back to back events as we come flying over from Tokyo to the LA Memorial Colliseum for more great action tonight!  SPPS 110 coming at you hot and heavy this evening folks, and it’s a big one with the BIG BOYS throwing down for the title!

So yeah, no time for dilly-dallying here, let’s jump right into things and see what we’ve got going on tonight on the left coast?  The first thing that jumps straight at you when you look at the card is yeah, sure, the BEASTS may be finishing off the evening as they battle for the belt…but it’s the little g

Sucker Punch Pro Series 108 - Event Preview

Event Preview: Sucker Punch Pro Series 108
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2022-01-05, Tokyo, Tokyo Bowl
Author:Hare Rumpler

Alright Sucker Punch fans…Hare here…at least to get things kicked off…and then it looks like we’ll be turning things over to Donkey tonight.  I originally had Risa Roo on the line to do the preview…but surprise, surprise, she baled on me.  I don’t know why I even ever believe her when she says she’ll do the preview.  Two-thirds of the time that’s fool’s gold and she leaves me scrambling!

That all said, I have some other obligations this evening and need to get running here but want to get this out there for you guys!  No title fights on the card tonight, but man, a ton of action including our newly arriving unrestricted guys getting way more into the action!  And our own home-grown boys being willing to get in there and take them on!  Nice.  Love it! 

And fun, fun, don't know if you guys saw me post it after

Sucker Punch Pro Series 107 - Event Preview

Event Preview: Sucker Punch Pro Series 107
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2022-01-02, Tokyo, Tokyo Bowl
Author:Hare Rumpler

The first event of 2022 is upon us folks!  Not two days into the New Year and Sucker Punch Pro Series is coming at you with SPPS 107 and a Featherweight Title Fight lined up for all our maniacal fans!  I’m Hare Rumpler and as usual I’ll be here with my buddy and analyst, Donkey “Dan” as we prepare for a night of intense action back east at the Tokyo Bowl in Japan!

And with the New Year comes a slightly new approach to things.  As we all know, change is inevitable and in order to grow you have to evolve.  In order for us to evolve, we need to have the room to allow the makeup of the org to adjust and grow.  Grow and shrink, both at the same time, in some ways.  What am I saying here?  Nothing that anybody who’s ever been in orgs long term hasn’t seen and known to be true before.  Sucker Punch Pro Series is currently at just under 180 fighters on the roster.  The realit

Position 5


Golden Bear Award Nomination

Editorial by Stoleme Mapeta

That's it, we have our nominations for the Best Fighter of 2021 and his Team. Unfortunately we decide to withdraw few nominations due to lack of any significant achievements in 2021. Now we go to next phase where we chose The Best Fighter by voting. And now moment for all of you are waiting.

Nominations for Best Fighter and Best Team of 2021:

Name Team 2021 MMA Record Awards Oliver Lancaster (340934) Alfred Top Team - 4804, London 7-5 8 Title Fights, 6 of the Night Awards Thor "Thurder" White (365301) BLK Elite MMA Gym - 4526, Las Vegas 6-1 2 Title Fights, 2 of the Night Awards Charles "Trip" Tucker (365813) The House Of Pain - 4402, Las Vegas 12-0 9 Title Fights, 6 of the Ni

All CWC 290 Event Previews

Event Preview: CWC 290
Catch Wrestling Championship
2022-01-09, Rio de Janeiro, Flamengo Arena
Author:Teyo Ken

Hello CWC fans, we have our first event preview for the all CWC 290 events. The previews and reviews for our events will consist of the top 3 matchups from each card. These events as always are sponsored by © Trap House! For supplements that’ll have your fighter rocked shop Trap House!


CWC 290 - Rio de Janeiro


Leandro Lo (14-15) vs Rich Silva Jr (15-8)

The former CWC Heavyweight Champion Rich Silva faces off against Leandro Lo for the third time in their careers, with Lo getting the better of Silva in both matches. After winning the Heavyweight title Silva has been on a two fight losing streak to two top contenders with Lo on a firey four fight winning streak looking to make his claim that he is the #1 contender in the heavyweight division. This would be a huge win for either man, and its sure to be an entertaining match.



Judas Priest (28-18) vs Eduardo Vieira (13-7)


TRIUMPH 2: Diaz vs. Wheeler Event Preview

Event Preview: TRIUMPH 2: Diaz vs. Wheeler
2022-01-08, The Island, Wild Bob's Bar - The Island
Author:Danilo Đilas

Click to see the new event preview  


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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine