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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

Viniucius Kicklighter

Fighter profile of Vinicius Kicklighter by Tycoon Judas

 LOM Season 2 Middleweight Winner


                          Vinicius Kicklighter (10-4-0)


Convicted Fight Club: Next Generation (380K)

Convicted Fight Club, Gym, Los Angeles
Company profile by Chris Karter

Bringing you the next wave of Convicted Fight Club prospects...

"Playoff" Willie Diggs

8-3-0 (6 TKO, 2 DEC)

One of the many sons of former #1 P4P and SYN Hall of Famer Orlando Diggs. Grandson of former #2 P4P Moses Diggs. The legend of PLAYOFF WILLIE was born when he lead Team Convicted to 1st place in the Alliance World C


300 FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP, Fight Organization, London
Company profile by Adel Sadeq

                                               Just put yourself on a position as a promoter

I have started a Fighting Organization 300 WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP. I offer 10% cut to all my profits in every single event held to an exchange of a million cash. The deal is you pay once and get 10% cut of all upcoming profits held in event and when i make good cash to pay back the loan, i pay with a 10% interest which is 100000 + your million that you loaned me. Its a win win situation for the loaner, and your loan goes to a trustworthy company and am gonna make sure it runs perfect. Its an open pay date loan, so there is no specific day to get paid back but you get 10% cut in every single event profit.

I would only like to work with understanding personalities and not a pressure tempered guys. Its a gentleman bussiness and things happen sometimes, so i will need to work with a guy who understands this job and the pressure in it. Be patient and work w

DMMA Weekend Primer

Event Preview: DMMA 139 Hightower vs Zhdanov
Dynasty MMA
2022-09-11, London, The H2O Arena
Author:Tycoon Judas


Dynasty MMA is back again for another 3 Event Weekend. This time around we got 3 big Title fights and a downright nasty lineup of fights overall. So let's dive right into the action!!!


DMMA Friday Night Fights VII 

Art Bowers vs Never Hurry

Art Bowers is coming into this a Winner of 4 of his last 6 fights as steps into the DMMA cage for the 11th time.

Sucker Punch Pro Series 180 - Event Preview

Event Preview: Sucker Punch Pro Series 180
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2022-09-07, London, Wombley Arena
Author:Hare Rumpler

Hello to all our Sucker Punch fans worldwide…and especially over in the UK…as we’ve got a whole bunch of fun action coming at you from the Wombley in London this evening for SPPS 180!  I’m Hare Rumpler and as always I’ve got my sidekick and analyst, Donkey “Dan” here with me to bring you a look ahead at all the excitement in store!

Now, no titles on the line this evening but certainly plenty of action packed energy anyways!  The Lightweights will be heavily featured on this card despite not being in the top two Main Events!  FIVE fights will see the Lightweights putting their stuff on the line including the very first two openers on the evening.  But don’t worry, we’ve got something for just about everybody…unless you’re a hardcore Middleweight only fan and then you’re out of luck this evening!  We’ve got a Featherweight bout between Dingleberry Jones and

Convicted Fight Club: Where are they now?

Editorial by Chris Karter


"The Pitbull" Mohammed Kahn

26-5-1 (23 KO, 3 SUB)

New Shop Open!

Honest Apparel ($30 SPECIAL ALL Shorts!), Nutrition Company, Montreal
Company profile by Jake Kelley

We are very excited to welcome in our new clothing shop to not just Montreal - but to the whole tycooniverse!

Honest Apparel, Located in downtown Montreal, just opened up shop and welcomes you all with a flash sale of $15 shorts for the rest of the month.

Please help support this new up and coming business, and get some solid shorts while they're cheap!

We will be expanding in the next few months with many new clothing designs we're working on, but in the meantime we also offer Laundry Service with 15% cut for anyone interested in moving some money around.

We thank you all so much for this opportunity, and look forward to seeing you in our shop, TODAY!


Honest Apparel owner

-Jake Kelley



If you wanna be jacked, wear the freshest clothes, eat at the chillest restaurants and hang out with the hottest dudes, come to Bondi MMA in Rio.

Contact: Crazy Horse
If your fighter needs new clothes, don’t be a fool. Shop at New York’s Urban Fighter and make him look cool.

Contact: Alika Webb
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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine