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EPL Season 4 Event Three Preview

Event Preview: EPL4: Event Three
The Evil Empire
2012-12-05, Helsinki, Hard Knocks - Helsinki
Author:Chris Garcia

What happened thus far already makes this season one of the craziest seasons – and we just get started, so get ready for more crazy stuff coming your way, by courtesy of Vicious Fights.

Opening bout for this event of EPL will be Nigel York Vs Poncho Villa. Nigel didn’t start this season as he wanted, scoring a draw against Ives and then getting knocked out by Duncan McAlister. He really want to score 3 points, and it seems like he can finally do this – against injured Poncho. But you can count that bastard out, 300lbs and over 2 meters of height…this dude ain’t easy to put away, even if you can sneak through his defense. We will see if he is able to overcome the odds and despite of everything win, or will he lose for the second time in a row.

Syezd Kepe Eses started this season same way, as Nigel – one loss and one draw. But he won’t have a chance to get a win now, as he is set to fight Duncan McAlister, who build 2 KOs winning streak and is looking to add one more alongside 3 points to his account. It’s hard to punch someone who has a reach advantage over almost every fighter that he fought. “Big” isn’t only his nickname, “Big” is how you can describe Duncan. And with that reach, and nuclear bombs in his hands you can give just one advice to Eses “Keep your hands high, son”. If you won’t…well, I wish you good night.

Tyler Dignam is ready to fight again. Fired up and ready to go after his last win, he will do his best to walk out victorious once again. And Muay Thai destroyer High Voltage will do his best to spoil that party. He and James Bomb put on a war on last event, scoring hard hitting draw – that he won in eyes of fans. Now, angry about judge’s decision he won’t let that happen again, you can count on that. Tyler said he wants to be first two time EPL Champion, and to do so – he has to start putting Ws together, or he won’t advance to next round. And that pressure works in Voltage’s favor. It’s gonna be interesting…

Cookie Monster can’t be and isn’t happy. He lost both fights thus far, against Viljo Laine and Evander Holyshit. Now he will throw everything but the kitchen sink to knock Charlie McGregor out. “Big Yin” scored 4 points in his 2 fights, and will look to add another three against Monster. You can’t deny that Charlie is best grappler in this season, and he has the advantage in ground game over every single competitor, we saw it when he fought Voltage, and we will see it again for sure. Cookie isn’t stranger to the mat, but won’t be happy if the fight goes down. His game plan is simple – go forward, stay in your face and finally knock you out.

Jake Ryan still consider himself favorite to win EPL 4. But on this stage of competition we can’t count anyone out – especially not James Bomb, who proved that if his punch will land on your chin, you’re going down. He won’t ask you who you are, what you’ve done or who you’ve beat. He will just come after you and knock you out. Simple. But Jake Ryan is confident as hell, and that helps him to go through everything and everyone. He is used to fight bigger fighters, so that’s rare to see him as a bigger fighter. Make your bets, because someone is gonna get knocked out!

Before season started no one knew that we will have wild underdog, beating up top guys in this season. And that’s what Viljo Lanine did thus far. KOed Cookie Monster, and then defeated Colton Trayne but unanimous decision. Now, he will take on another tough challenge in Evander Holyshit, who even injured is still tough son of a bitch, and if you want to knock him out – bring a hammer, because this dude isn’t easy to put away. But if you want to destroy something, ask Viljo to hit it. He possesses ridiculous power in his hands and he knows how to use it. It will go down to who is tougher, and who can capitalize on openings to finish his opponent. And that’s why this co-main event will deliver amazing 10 or less minutes of fighting.

Colton Trayne was ranked no 1 in Openweight rankings. You couldn’t deny the fact, that he is best in that weight class. But Viljo Laine proved that, you may be best in the world, but you ain’t unbeatable. After shocking loss to Laine, Trayne wants to get back on track with another KO victory. His third fight of this season will be against someone who is yet to be defeated in his last 8 fights, Johnny Ives. AJFC Champion is 6-0-2 in his last 8 fights, scoring back-to-back draws in his first EPL fights. Now, this two freak nature athletes will try to take each other heads off…can you imagine better main event? It’s not only about who has bigger power, or who has better chin…I think this one will goes down to who is meaner, nastier and more merciless. Sounds like fun, isn’t it?


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