MMA Tycoon Game

The Highstreet - Helsinki

Helsinki is Finland's capital and it's largest city with a population of over half a million people. MMA Tycoon's first forray into the Nordic region finds an untapped and under-catered market for raw talent in the combat sports.

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Fighters 401
Managers 968
Currently Online view
Helsinki Xtreme Fightwear - Clothing 
Elite MMA Gyms (space) Elite MMA Gyms (full) Basic Gyms
Ruttos gym
Freakshow Gym

Gym search Gym Summary

Elite MMA Gyms (invite only)
Cozad MMA Helsinki
Freakshow Entertainment MMA
Just Fights Revival QFC Org
Clothing Companies Shopping Tools
Do Ho Joy’s Korean Laundry 7 day clothing sales
Helsinki Xtreme Fightwear Clothing search
Nutrition Companies Shopping Tools
BKC Nutrition and Laundry [35%] 7 day nutrition sales
FinnFighter Nutrition (Five 160Q supps!) Nutrition search
Bookmakers Other Gambling
N/A Tycoon Lottery
Bet High Low
Otso Jokinen Arena Capacity: 60000
Suomi International Capacity: 19500
Kallio Dome Capacity: 10000
Kamppi Arena Capacity: 6000
Malmi Sportshall Capacity: 5500
Hard Knocks - Helsinki Capacity: 3000
Hayashi's Lounge - Helsinki Capacity: 2000
The Underground - Helsinki Capacity: 1000
Wild Bob's Bar - Helsinki Capacity: 750
Paddy O'Malleys Bar - Helsinki Capacity: 700
Micro Arena - Helsinki Capacity: 400
Real world shopping

MMA Warehouse - MMA Clothing, round 5 figures etc.
Cafe Press - Enormous clothing (and other items) store. Millions of designs.
Bad Boy MMA - Official sponsors of Lyoto Machida, Diego Sanchez and Shogun Rua
Amazon Store
Bet US - Full odds for all major sports, including MMA

If you are making purchases online, please check out the links above. All proceeds from sales go straight back into improving MMA Tycoon and will help keep VIP prices low and improve features for non-VIPs also!

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