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Victory is Imminent!

Imminent Victory Physical Training, Gym, Helsinki
Company profile by Magnus Bjornford

A state of the art conditioning gym just opened in Helsinki, Finland! The gym was opened as a part of Owner Magnus Bjornford's attempts to fill the "starter gym" void among the Finns.

Bjornford is making sure that the gym is outfitted with brand new equipment, including a sauna and a regular sparring schedule. He also took the ambitious step of hiring one of the best Finnish circuit training coaches, Julius Black.

"I want this to be a place where people from all over can gather to train, especially those looking to work on their strength and conditioning," said Bjornford. "Helsinki's MMA community has been clamoring for this sort of thing for a while now."

As of the writing of this article, the gym's membership was already rapidly on the rise as many of the "rising stars" in Helsinki clamored to get in under the low introductory fee of $50.

"Everyone wants to get fit, and everyone wants to win," said Bjornford. "Why not do it at such a low cost to you? Lower gym fees for the same level of training means more money in your pocket. Sounds to me like an imminent victory."


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