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Syndicate Betzone now offering 10k odds

Syn City Betzone, Bookmakers, Las Vegas
Company profile by Dirk Copeland

Well respected bookmakers, 'The Syndicate Betzone' held a brief press conference earlier today announcing the exciting news that all real life events would now have a maxiumum bet of $10,000 available. This exciting new promotion would begin with the currrent odds being offered on the TUF Finale 17 and UFC on Fox 7 events. An excited Dirk Copeland added, "It should be an excellent opportunity both for the bookmakers to continue offering great odds in the future while at the same time finally giving customers real value for money". For those interested The Syndicate Betzone can be located in Las Vegas so next time you're down in the party capital why not have a punt on one of your favourite real life fighters!


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