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Death Squad: The Beginning Preview Show

Event Preview: Death Squad: The Beginning
2013-05-21, Las Vegas, Micro Arena - Las Vegas


 Welcome ladies and gentlemen for the preview show of Death Squad: The Beginning, This is Death Squad MMa First show of the

brand new orginaztion. We have a great card coming up may 21, 2013. We will being taking the winners of each Division and facing them off in the next event for the title shot.

155lb, 185lb, 205lb, 265lb, and 265+lb will be fighting tonight for there chance at the title in the next event.

Kurt Wagner v Fus Ro Dah

 In the first fight of the night we have Kurt Wagner which is a wonderful boxer and Fus Ro Dah with superb muay thai, Both

starting off looking for there first win of there career. This is going to be a fight to watch guarntee a knockout in this

fight with them both looking to keep this on there feet.



Son Gohan v Jercules Sanchez

 In the second fight of the night we have Son Gohan with wonderful boxing and a wrestling background and Jercules Sanchez with

strong muay thai and a little wrestling experience, They both sitting at 0-0 in there career and looking for the knockout to

be the first 265+ looking on to the next event for there title shot.


Brandon Angulo v Sammy Stewart

 In the third fight of the night we have Brandon Angulo with wonderful mauy thai and wrestling and Sammy Stewart

with strong boxing and wrestling , Both of them are 0-0 looking for their first win in their carrer, I predict this

a fast fight tonight so no restroom breaks for this one.


Juninho Macarenco v Jim Mean


 In the fourth fight of the night we have Juninho Macarenco with wonderful boxing and wrestling background and Jim Mean which

is a Brown belt in bjj and has a wrestling background, Juninho Is gonna be looking to keep this on the feet while Jim Mean gonna

be looking to take it to the ground to get a submission



Wanderlei Silva v Dallas Devil

 In the fifth fight of the nighjt we have Wanderlei Silva which has a mauy thai background with a little mixture of wrestling

and bjj then we hae Dallas Devil which is a boxer with some bjj background, Should be a interesting matchup between these two tonight


Uriah Hall v George Laraque

 In the Sixth fight of the night we have Uriah Hall with a mauy thai and boxing background, then we have George Largue with boxing, wrestling

and some bjj, We should be ready for war here with a great fight..


Anthony Cerrone v Michael Johnson

 In the first fight of the main card we have Anthony Cerrone coming in as remarkable mauy thai fighter and Michael Johnson as a bjj fighter

looking to give cerrone is first lost of his career, We should keep in eye ut for this fight could be the next title holder.


Lochness Monster v Damian Mya

 In the second fight of the main card we have Lochness Monster which is a strong boxer and  Damian Mya which is a bjj specialist, I think this is

gonna be a funny match up to watch with lochness monster at 7ft and Damian at 4ft 11 inches, Lochness should just keep it on the outside and win with a ko

but he has to watch on not let the midgit get a hold of those long limbs.


Calvin Crain v Brady Smith

 In the co-main event we have Calvin Crain which is strong mauy thai and wrestler and Brady Smith with wrestling and Bjj back ground, It should

be a tough one for calvin fighting a more experience fighter and if manages to get to this to the ground it could be a early

night for Calvin Crain



Davey Dominguez v Plucking Bows

 In the main event we have Davey Dominguez with strong boxing and some bjj, then we have Plucking Bow With a strong boxing and wrestling background,

This should be a great matchup on the feet so ladies and gentlemen it could be a fast main-event.



 Well thats all ladies and gentlemen be prepared for a great event you dont wanna miss and more to come, Thanks for joining the

Death Sqaud Preview Show





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