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PREVIEW 381: pope v garcia

Event Preview: 381: pope v garcia
Las Vegas Prizefighting
2013-06-15, Las Vegas, MMA Grand

15th JUNE:  381: pope v garcia

Pick 10 correct on HWP card and win 3 million$$$  and pick my favourites and I will REFUND ALL YOUR TOTAL LOSSES X2 Go to [end]->!!

If I don’t pick your winners today I’m gonna become a virgin! No well I can’t do that, but I can refund twice your losses when you bet at HWP. Legend Dan Severn makes a star appearance.


Tonight the battle between large and small!!


Trent Pope Rolando Garcia 

"The Dominator" Trent Pope 28-12-0 (W-L-D)~ Former Heavyweight champion. Sensasational MT. BJJ purple with exponential wrestling ability. Is insanely felxivly with lethal high kicks.  Has a win-streak of 14 consecutive wins. Defending his title for 8 times till Anton Chigurh on 2012-01-28 at GAMMA#220 Pope vs Chigurh. Pope towers above his opponent.

Garcia 29-16-2 (W-L-D)~ older and smaller of the two. ADCC champion. Used to fight at 145 lbs  Sensational ground guy.  Black belt in BJJ with natural MT ability and exceptional boxing. Dangerous man around 100 lbs lighter and about 25cm shorter, this is gonna be brutal whatever happens. Has Garcia bitten off more than he can chew, or will his ol’ school skills pay off and will he have the little special something under the hood.  

Six Shooter Whitepride Velasquez 

"Half Man Half Amazing" Six Shooter  18-9-0 (W-L-D)~Ranked 151. Coming out of Finland. Very highly sort after. ‘Beckam’ of MMA. Has very good organisers behind him. Training at the highest level.  woz about to win his 9th undefeated bout and track record was struck early on his very last fight. This guy is one baddass mo fo’. On paper this guy is not spectacular but what what he lacks in magic he makes up in consistency....true vet. Let’s assume he will make the “Finnish”, tonight!

"i meant brown, is that ra"Whitepride Velasquez 16-10-0 (W-L-D)~ Dude and black belt in BJJ.  ADCC Champion. Good kicks. Rounded wrestler with superb boxing. This guy will smash you bloody head in mo’!! Velasquez has no MT but he can pound your head in and if you can’t take it, then try the ground. Oh no no, cos you doo dat you end up in his domain...there’s no getting out of it then....you scrumpled up and slammed in the trash can....If anyone one can the can man can......”Tell mi na’”

Mick Smithwick Sasha Tugarinov 

Mick Smithwick 6-2-0 (W-L-D)~ Excellent boxer with granite chin. Young wippa snapper. Comin out a Dublin, tru and tru!! He’s fresh and he’s thirsty. 5 wins by KO. Has the makings of going global he will be having a lot of support from the local Paddys . He faces a much older, well experienced fighter. “Superman” punch is his favourite move. I would love to see him do that tonight.

Sasha "BJJ god" Tugarinov 13-16-0 (W-L-D)~ Ground guy. Brown belt BJJ and wreslting. Spends a lot time pracising his striking. This guy is really powerful, but some say he has the worst striking defense in MMA. There is just not quiet the right things happening.....maybe with his training or maybe it’s his tac-tics prefight. Has only won 1 out his last 19 fights. Ok Tugarinov ground game is excellent, but he’s up against someone who’s not gonna stop punching him in the face until he’s knocked out or the ref stops it.  Tugarinov you might win this, but you are up against a scrapper. Either way, I wish you all the best.

Dustin Heloise Ivan Kralaiev 

"The Dark One" Dustin Heloise 7-8-0 (W-L-D)~ Expectional striker with remarkable ground skills. Excellent MT with granite chin. I mean this guy is pumped in all aspects. You could compare this to Pierre in the fact, he has no holes to his game. All round athlete. Considerably young for the amount of experience. Love his spiderman underpants. I think he will be putting on a show for Dan Severn.

"Prince Of Pain" Ivan Kralaiev 17-18-1 (W-L-D)~ If you’re 3 times as half as good as this guy, you have some skills boyeeee! May not dress smart he has a heavy right hand. Cor blimey gov this guy is vunderbar!! Yah vunda!!

Tom Atomic Yi Liu 

Tom "Bomb"Atomic 22-14-0 (W-L-D)~ BJJ purple belt. Atomic Tommy is a tank. Veteran. Get ready for some crazy wild wrestling madness. Has a slight edge in boxing

"The Asian Man Of Steel"Yi Liu 3-3-0 (W-L-D)~ BJJ brown belt with excellent MT and granite chinos Also very wonderful all round fighter. Young and fruity.

Pawel Rak Beyond Chopped 

Pawel "Popek" Rak1-2-0 (W-L-D)~ Wrestler. Interesting guy. Does nothing spectacularly, but has a brawler’s gift. We expect him to put on a show tonight and show us that jacks of all can beat a specialist of one.

"420"Beyond Chopped 1-0-0 (W-L-D)~ BJJ blue belt. Found on a doorstep do apparent rumour id that Chopped was orphaned by old lady and was trained to fight by being thrown in box with a snake. People used to put bets on and was later branded with the nickname of Snake-man.....Oh no, I think I’m that’s the wrong guy......so next we have.......

Big Bastard Wilson Fisk 

Bastard 31-20-0 (W-L-D)~ Excellent boxer with BJJ purple. Has some wrestling and some conditioning. Some say he was the bastard son of legendary rock star Mick Jagger, which pretty much makes us brothers.

"The Kingpin" Wilson Fisk 6-3-0 (W-L-D)~ BJJ purple belt Remarkable guy all round. Watch out for him Bastard. Good track record. The Kingpin has superior wrestling to add to his ground game.

Cade McKinney Larenzo Moritini 

Cade "The Hammer" McKinney 1-1-0 (W-L-D)~ BJJ purple belt. Fought in Nam. Real nutter. Does amateur mud wrestling.

"The Lawman" Larenzo Moritini 2-1-0 (W-L-D)~Boxing and pizza with BJJ blue belt.

Ding Ah Ling Latajaca Kimura 

"Mai" Ding Ah Ling 1-1-0 (W-L-D)~ Striker with MT and a solid chin. Let’s hope his aftershave doesn’t give people the wrong idea.

Latajaca Kimura 1-0-0 (W-L-D)~ Ground specialist.

Manny Handy Iphone Apple 

Manny Handy 3-5-0 (W-L-D)~ We want him to turn his life around with the fight.

Iphone Apple 1-6-0 (W-L-D)~ Talk of him getting sacked.... this fight will be the decider of fate for one of these two fighters.

“The fighters are in the lockers! The countdown has begun and just cos we let our girlfriend watch the fights with us doesn’t mean they can just fart away men!!!”

Pick 10 winners and you are guaranteed 3 MILLION$$$

 “Why not slam on a bet? You don’t even have to do that. Just simply tell us who will win and take home 3million instantly“:~ here is HWP betting company link.

All you have to do is write down the winners HERE: WAIT there’s more....:

“I am so confident that you will make money when you pick my favourites, I will personally refund for your losses. ACTUALLY FUCK IT. I WILL DOUBLE YOUR LOSSES!  Yes, I WILL PERSONALLY PAY BACK YOUR TOTAL LOSSES” ( MY TERMS:: you must bet from HWP This is a seperate offer and is not in conjunction with any prizes from HWP)”

There it is. You have no reason why not place your bets right now. Heavyweight is so happy to pay you the 3 million without even placing a bet. Just simply name the winners here:~

Carlos’s tips: ~ 1 Pope 2 Velasquez 3 Tugarinov  4  Heloise  5 Yi Liu

6 Chopped  7 Fisk 8 Moritini  9 Kimura 10 Handy


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