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NEI Las Vegas: New Clash of the Titans 265lbs PLUS Card

Event Preview: Clash Of The Titans 265lb +
NEI: Las Vegas
2012-03-16, Las Vegas, The Palmtree

NEI: Las Vegas is currently recruiting 265lb noobs for their "Clash of the Titan" series!  In an effort ot promote big boys and big KO's,NEI is looking to recruit the biggest boys out there for some jaw dropping, mega-hitting events in Las Vegas.  The Clash of the Titans Series is a closed card for 265lbs PLUS athletes!  If you are looking to get a 265lbs fighter into a fresh, new, fair division in a city that offers awesome gyms / triaining, sponsors, great clothing atores, and hte Holy Grail of arenas to fight in....bring it to NEI Vegas Baby!!! Cus what happens in Vegas...makes headlines!  

The first event is being put together and slated for March 16th at the PalmTree...there are 3 fight slots left! don't miss out on ther ground floor, come check our division out!!



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