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HWP: Supernova vs Jackson 01-12-13

Event Preview: HWP: Supernova vs Jackson
Las Vegas Prizefighting
2013-12-01, Las Vegas, MMA Grand

  Welcome back all violence fiends, in the MMA Grand Arena set for the first day of December, HWP will present us with Supernova Vs Jackson in an all out war for the belt. Another amazing card put together to send every viewer reeling for more action will commence with Rasputin Briar and Efrain Silva going to war. 

The old man Silva will step into the cage with a record that makes you wonder why he is still competing, at 6-22 he has only won back to back fights once in his career enveloped in dismay. At 38 he is still trying to get to double digit wins but I think thats starting to become an unrealistic thought. With no clear cut specialty in his fighting skills I can very well understand why fans began calling him the Shih Tzu or the Pomeranian rather than “Pitbull”. Because he doesnt seem to have much fight and certainly is less exciting than a Bull in a pit. To his benefit Rasputin is a young and somewhat inexperienced fighter who has found effective ways to lose as well. The good thing for Rasputin is that he does have more upside than Silva and if he can score a knockout or two he might start to get some popularity behind his punch.

Veldrane Sengir will square off against Bubba Bubba in a true heavyweight bout where both fighters will come in at about 245lbs looking to tear each other apart. Veldrane will most likely attempt to stay at a distance and strike rather than making this a grappling wrestling match where both fighters are fairly equal in skills. Bubba, at 28 years old is a rather interesting fighter, he always looks to take his opponent down and submit them and he is impressive in doing that. As I said, Sengir is just as well a wrestler and grappler. Big Country Bubba will look to continue on with his success but this may be one of the hardest fights he has ever faced, but if he trusts his ground game and ability to score points with takedowns, he might be able to emerge as a winner here.

Ho Nu Lulu will have a tough line of duty ahead of him against TheNewYork Dumbass when he steps into the cage on sunday. Hugme Ineedlove gave Ho Nu Lulu a new plastic surgery job as he reshaped his face with his massive paws. It really isnt many fighters that can withstand the ferocious strikes that his jawbone endured that night and TheNewYork Dumbass will most likely strike and strike that exact same spot for the duration of the fight. Dumbass's fight camp confessed that they tell him not to ever deviate from the gameplan or see how the fight goes because he is so stupid, he will have transitioned entirely to an RNC and decide that it makes more sense to stop in mid submit to let his opponent get his back. Despite his lack of brain cells, I expect him to compete at a high level and with his record of 10-1-1 is indicative of how solid his work has been so far. I will look for him to win this fight easily but keeping the fight standing and landing an excessive amount of strikes seems like the gameplan for the Dumbass.

Finally, our main event brings up Sunny Supernova, the up and coming fighter of HWP who looks to be destined to carry a lot of hardwear around his waist will defend his newly earned title by any means necessary (that doesnt involve the cops). He will take on Jeremy Jackson who will outweigh him by almost 70lbs creating an interesting fight between the two. JJ has become a knockout artist and has flexed his muscle most in his recent defeat of Tom Riddle. Yeti was smacked with a knee making him look like a drunken prostitute and he laid down just like one as he was finished with a cluster of punches calling for a referee stoppage. This will be by far the toughest match of Supernova's career because the power disadvantage is somewhat major, likewise he will have a great agility advantage to avoid the strikes and if he can wear JJ down and force him to chase him around the cage for a few rounds, he might be able to grind out a victory. No doubt if he wins this one he will begin to solidify his reputation as one of the best pound for pound fighters active right now.

Thank you all for reading and do not forget to go to HWP to place your bets, I know I certainly will and to all ENJOY!


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