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HWP: Silva Vs Kulakov

Event Preview: HWP: Sliva vs Kulakov
Las Vegas Prizefighting
2014-01-05, Las Vegas, MMA Grand
Author:King Scooby

 Heavyweight Prize Fighting's second half of their notorious weekend doubleheaders will bring us to a few intriguing matches Sunday Night. With Cooperation from Cynical Truth Vegas, we will have another great card set to take place at MMA Grand in Las Vegas.


Heimo Hulahula will make his HWP debut after spending almost his entire career at CWFL and coming away with 34 victories thus far in his career. My Alliance mate Tyrion Lassiter spoke for team Lassiter fight club and mentioned this fight and how important it is for the team. He stated that this fight is not one like any other, being outweighed by his opponent by 100lbs its one of the few times that the club has ever thumped into a match like this before. Add the fact that he is going up against another alliance mate under a different fight team and bragging rights will be in the middle of the cage to earn, that makes this fight larger than life. The Elite boxer and wrestler will be a tough task for the heavier John Doe who is coming off of back to back losses and a rare Draw with Buster Cherry.


Hiranuka Po Stanaku will take on Fedor A million ankle and Po is looking to recover all that has been lost recently. I covered Stanaku for an extended period of time during his days in the glorious organization in New York, TTFC and he was nothing short of a tough match every night out. One fight that sticks to mind is his decision loss to Donald Duck Leads which was an instant classic resulting in Stanaku's controversial loss in which he was so upset, after he heard the official decision, he blasted the referee with a haymaker to the chest and a standing elbow toppling the referee unconscious and followed it up with a flying RNC with his legs around the neck of Leads until he passed out and was later subdued and arrested. Fedor A million ankle will receive a lot * and I mean a lot * of stress from Po during this fight because although he won his TTFC exit fight against Richtor Schkayle he has not had much success since his post-fight antics.


Appollo Ferrigno and Grammar Natzee will get after each other for the first time especially since Natzee is trying to correct his loss to Jackson after one round in early december. Since that loss, by decision might I add, he has been open about his lack of defending strikes in training stating that, when he thought about the last time he trained in avoiding punches and kicks, he shouldve died about 20 fights ago. Well if he didnt start training that before this fight he just might die against Ferrigno. Lou is exactly 117lbs heavier than Natzee who without a weight cut, can compete in a normal lightweight division. Despite not logging many knockouts so far in his career, he possesses enough power in his punches to put a big man down so if he gets a few clean shots against Natzee,it may be some trouble. Kelsey Grammar has the agility advantage and has more defensive skills to make this fight worth his efforts as he is very well trained in every type of attack that Ferrigno could possibly try. If he can use his kicks to wear down the legs of the monster standing across from him in the cage he can tilt this fight into his favor slowly and it will become an avalanche as he can dance circles around his opponent all night. This fight will come down to the one punch of Ferrigno's vs the superior ability to avoid that perfect strike that could end the night for Natzee.


Our last fight of the weekend and the main event will be between Gigant Silva and Viktor Kulakov which epitomizes the theme of HWP fighting, 50-150lb weight differences and speed vs muscle. This fight, like plenty of others will give us a Spiderman vs Juggernaut, Marvel vs Capcom feel to it where the man who is able to use their physical makeup to their advantage the best, will pick up a victory. Gigant, obviously is the bigger of the two, is about as tall as they make them and weighing in at 265lbs. After he took his last two losses against Cro Copout and Hulk Hogan he has plenty of reasons to push hard for a win here Sunday. Kulakov however does not care about those reasons as his two loss skid is a major purpose of his own. I think Kulakov possesses more tools and skills to win this fight. At 186lbs he is a lot more nimble on his feet and will be able to get out of the way of Silva's big right hand. Viktor will certainly be going to the body as if he tried any strikes to the head, they would all have to tag the name “flying” to describe them because Gigant is so tall. It will be interesting to see these two fighter's gameplan against each other due to their physical factors.


As we enjoy our first two events of the new year we want to thank Heavyweight Prize Fighting and the matchmakers for putting together an interesting night of fights. These openweight fights provide for a different outcome every time and a very exciting event, I hope you all look back to see what went down in all the fights aside from your own. Be safe everyone and TO ALL ENJOY!


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