Even though this event was very well received by the fans, since it was the highest rated event and a complete sell out, I am still sad. Our streak of finishes was broke tonight after having thirteen strait fights end with a finish. Over those thirteen fights we had one entire event end with zero finishes. I will get over it and we will start a new streak, no reason to dwell when you have a major win with the first ever Wednesday Warfare! Let jump right into things!
Preliminary Bout Number 1- Bantamweight Fight (135lbs)
Bruce Lee versus King Pin
Bruce Lee looks strong to start the fight opening up with a big uppercut and then he moves right into the clinch and pushes Pin against the cage. Pin drops down for a takedown but Lee is having none of it and he gains another clinch. Lee goes into beast mode stuffing takedown after takedown while still mixing in knees and punches. Lee lands a big time elbow that has split Pin wide open and there is now blood all over the place. Pin is trying anything to get this fight to the ground as Lee is still connecting with some nice shots. Pin tries to pull guard and while unsuccessful he has managed to get out of the clinch and the two men are back at range. Lee rushes in and is able to grab another clinch, and he goes right back to work with elbows. Pin once again tries to pull guard but it is not happening. The ref stands Pin back up and this time Pin grabs the clinch. He starts looking for the takedown again and again while Lee is just landing big shots. Lee pulls out of the clinch and lands a strait left that wobbles Pin and grabs him back into the clinch and starts working knees. As Pin is dropping to his knees with the lights out the referee comes in to stop the fight. Here is your winner by TKO at 3:30 of the first round Bruce Lee.
Preliminary Bout Number 2- Featherweight Fight (145lbs)
Josh Dominguez versus Quagmire "Ohh" Yeah
Dominguez starts the fight off with a big takedown attempt that Yeah is able to avoid. Yeah then scores with a nice takedown of his own and puts Dominguez into side control. Yeah working hard on submissions with one attempt after another but Dominguez is able to defend well. During an armbar attempt Dominguez is able to take top position while defending the armbar. The submissions continue from the bottom as Yeah is working hard. Quagmire ends up getting a sweep and from full mount he continues to pour on submission attempts as the buzzer sounds. I have to give the round to Yeah 10-9.
At the beginning of the second round Dominguez throws a telegraphed kick that Yeah dodges easily, but Dominguez grabs up a clinch. Both fighters are trying to gain the takedown from the clinch to have better position. Dominguez ends up pulling guard and Yeah goes crazy with submission attempts once again. Yeah is dominating on the ground once again but Dominguez is defending everything pretty well. Just as I am about to write Yeah wins the round 10-9 he locks on a kimura and Dominguez is forced to tap. Yeah wins the fight by way of submission at 4:56 of the second round.
Preliminary Bout Number 3- Bantamweight Fight (135lbs)
Steve "Cobra" Cox versus Coors "Silver Bullet" Light
When the first round started both fighters seemed as though we were going to have a feel them out session. These two threw several strikes nowhere even close enough to land. Light ends up landing a pitter patter combo, and then he secured a clinch. The clinch gets broke with both fighters taking no damage. Light then lands another combo to the body, but it did not seem to effect Cox at all. Cox then gets a big takedown and now we will see what Light can do off his back. Light looks great on his back as he is able to control the position and not allow Cox to get into a better spot. Cox starts throwing punches to try and open things up but Light is defending very well. Cox then starts trying to grab anything he can for a submission victory but time runs out in the first. Tough call for the first round but I think the takedown has swayed me and I will give this round to Cox 10-9.
Light looks for the takedown to start off round number two, but Cox defends well and then puts Light on his back for the second time in this fight. Light gets a big sweep after a defended elbow and he is now in top guard. Light seems as though he just wants to control as Cox is trying to get back on top. The referee has seen enough of this ground hugging and decides to stand the fight back up. The two have a failed exchange and Cox scores with another takedown. From the bottom Light is able to get another sweep and that has to score some points with the judges. Cox wants to get back on top and once again the action slows way down. We get a stand up and a clean break again from the referee. Several punches and kicks fly from these two all of which were blocked or just plain out missed and Cox scores his third takedown of the round. The round comes to an end with Light breathing heavily while on the bottom. I will give another round to Cox and I now have this fight scored at 20-18.
Cox engages a clinch at the beginning of the third round, but Light gets a big takedown. This is great for Light because I feel he needs to finish to win this fight. Cox seems like he might think he is down on the score cards as he starts working submission and strikes from the bottom. Cox ends up with a big sweep and that’s when I think it clicked that he has this fight in the bag. He is now working just enough to try and prevent a stand up from the referee. Cox tries to take a small break and gets the standup because of it. Light tries throw from the standup position but Cox takes him right back down. Cox is able to control from the top for the last few seconds of the fight and I have scored it 30-27 for Cox. All three judges agree with me and it is a unanimous decision win for Steve Cox.
Preliminary Bout Number 4- Bantamweight Fight (135lbs)
Steven "Hecklly" Heck versus Chierehdk Cknlaskhr
Heck scores and early takedown to start the fight off and the two fighters start exchanging submission attempts. The action dulls and we get a referee stand up. Heck gets another big takedown almost immediately and he starts trying to work a submission. He starts trying to gain a better position as Cknlaskhr defends well and then starts trying to work some submissions of his own. The end of the round comes pretty quick and I have to score it 10-9 in favor of Heck.
As soon as the second round starts Heck barrels in with another takedown. Then this fight takes a turn for the worse as the next three minutes is chalked full of position grappling. Heck tries to pass and Cknlaskhr defends. Cknlaskhr tries to sweep and Heck defends. We finely get what we want, and stand up at almost the four minute mark. As soon as the clean break happens Heck gets his second takedown of the round. Cknlaskhr works a kimura from the bottom but there is no time for that as the second round comes to a close. I have this fight 20-18 at the end of two rounds.
Heck seems persistent on not wanting to stand up at all, as he scores another takedown to open the third round. It almost seems like Heck’s corner thinks he is losing this fight, as he becomes very aggressive. Heck is working submission after submission until a big error on an armbar attempt puts Cknlaskhr into the driver’s seat. Heck has no problem from his back as he quickly pushes Cknlaskhr off of him with his feet and stands up. Heck is able to take the fight right back down scoring with yet another takedown. Cknlaskhr will need to figure out how to finish this fight in the next couple of seconds or it will be over. He attempts a submission from the bottom and Heck defends. Heck starts working submission attempts and Cknlaskhr tries to stand up. The final buzzer sounds and I have Heck winning this fight 30-27 as he completely dominated this fight. The judges have giving Steven Heck the unanimous decision win 29-28, 30-27, 30-27 and I have no idea what fight that first judge just watched.
Preliminary Bout Number 5- Light Heavyweight Fight (205lbs)
Freddy Lee versus Reginald Leslie
Leslie comes out and instigates the clinch quickly. Lee starts trying to get the fight to the ground but Leslie keeps it standing and starts putting in work with knees. Leslie is just showing superior strength holding Lee up in a clinch and pounding away on him at the same time. Lee has been cut and he is now bleeding pretty badly, and Leslie hits another big knee to the face. Lee might be out on his feet here, a big right hand sends Lee to the ground and Leslie jumps mount just to finish the fight with strikes. Leslie has won this fight by TKO due to strikes at just 0:46 of the first round.
Main Card Bout Number 1- Welterweight Fight (170lbs)
Alex "Almighty" Irwin versus Jim "Hitman" Jones
Irwin starts in by jabbing and hooking Jones and everything is connecting. Jones grabs a body lock but Irwin wiggles out of it. Jones right back to the clinch, but he lets it go and Irwin lands a jab and then scores with a takedown. Irwin has half guard but Jones quickly manages to move it back to full guard. Irwin starts to strike from the ground but Jones covers up nicely. Jones moves to almost a butterfly guard and he starts lifting Irwin with his feet. Jones quickly shifts his body and puts Irwin in a tight armbar! Irwin is trying to get out of it, but he can’t and is forced to tap. Jim Jones is your winner by submission at 1:57 of the first round.
Main Card Bout Number 2- Welterweight Title Fight (170lbs)
Rock "Taijutsu" Lee versus Oscralo "Granalo" De Santiuya
Lee comes out swinging with combos. De Santiuya is looking for a takedown but Lee is not about to let that happen. De Santiuya is just pushing forward looking for a clinch or a big takedown. Lee is preventing the wrestling from happening. Another double leg attempt from De Santiuya and this time Lee starts countering the takedowns with strikes. A big shot from Lee has De Santiuya cut open. The shooting and countering has continued and finely De Santiuya looks tired. Lee moves in and lands a big uppercut that sends De Santiuya to the ground. Lee dives on top and starts peppering De Santiuya as the referee comes in to stop the fight. We have are first ever Welterweight Champion and it is Rock Lee, as he won via TKO due to strikes at just 1:44 of the first round.
Main Card Bout Number 3- Light Heavyweight Fight (205lbs)
Investitor Gradnje versus "The Viking" Agnar Gorm
Gorm looks to strike and Gradnje avoids, then Gradnje tries for a takedown but Gorm stuffs it. Gorm tries for a takedown himself and he gets it. Gradnje starts working for a submission but Gorm picks him up and slams him back to the mat. Gorm takes side control and the starts working to mount. Gorm eventually does pass and takes the mount position but Gradnje is able to work his feet threw and is able to get guard back. Gradnje starts trying for a submission from the bottom as Gorm starts working strikes from guard. The two start exchanging submission attempts for a while and then the two start grappling. Gradnje starts looking for the sweep as Gorm starts working to gain mount. Lots of jocking for position starts and Gradnje grabs a guillotine and he sinks it in tight. Gorm has no option but to tap at 3:36 of the first round.
Co Main Event, Main Card Bout Number 4- Featherweight Fight (145lbs)
Diego "Firefox ak" Nunes versus DeMario "McDojo Blackbelt" Williams
The first minute of this fight was filled with a lot of missed strikes and failed takedown attempts. Nothing really solid was landed other than maybe one body kick. Shortly after the first minute passed Williams took the fight to the clinch. Williams goes to work with body shots and head punches to Nunes inside the clinch. Nunes looks to get break free of the clinch but Williams shows his strength and won’t allow it. Williams continues to put in work as Nunes looks for a takedown but once again that is not happening. Williams lands an uppercut that clearly hurt Nunes bad. Williams takes the fight to the ground and starts working his ground and pound. Nunes seems to have recovered slightly and he escapes back to his feet. Nunes starts to mount an offense but Williams puts an end to it with a takedown. A few seconds later the buzzer sounds and we will go to round two. I have Williams winning that round 10-9!
The bell rings and the two fighters meet in the center of the cage. Williams lands a strait right and down goes Nunes! Williams jumps on top and lands as many shots as he can before the referee calls a stop to the fight. Williams is your winner by way of TKO at 0:05 of the second round.
Main Event, Main Card Bout Number 5- Featherweight Title Fight (145lbs)
Ben Zaylor versus Craig "Warrior" Wardlaw
The clinch comes into play right away a Zaylor has locked it up. He looks for a takedown but Wardlaw says no. Wardlaw almost gets a takedown himself but Zaylor is able to circle away. Zaylor clinches is up once again but this time he is able to gain the takedown. Once these two hit the mat Ben started working every submission in the book. Wardlaw seems content to just defend these submissions. The action stalls out and both fighters are not working much, so the referee stands the fight back up. Zaylor works to get it back to the clinch but Wardlaw scores with a big takedown. Zaylor starts putting on the pressure of a sweep right away but he then quickly transitioned into an armbar. Wardlaw taps out at 4:44 of the first round and Ben Zaylor is the Honor Fighting Championship Featherweight Champion!
A very exciting event with a lot of big time finishes. Your award winners for the first ever Wednesday Warfare are Ben Zaylor Submission of the Night, Reginald Leslie Knock out of the Night, and the Fight of the Night winners are DeMario Williams and Diego Nunes! Please remember to pick up any of your clothing needs at Meet the Future and join us Saturday Night for our next big event.
This has been Tony Rossi with your event review. Please remember all views and opinions are those of the writer and may not reflect those of HFC. All writings are owned by HFC and may not be reused or retransmitted without written expressed consent of the HFC.
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