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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
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EFC 02:Heavy Hands

Event Preview: EFC 02:Heavy Hands
Cobra Fighting Championship Brazil
2014-06-15, Las Vegas, Paddy O'Malleys Bar - Las Vegas



Hello everyone tonight is the preview of EFC 02:Heavy Hands

Our host  for tonight’s show PD Daniels

Our guest tonight is the Manager of Fraser”the Omen”Opie non other than Dos Santos


PD-hello Dos what are your thoughts on the Main event betweet Fraser and Michael

DOS-Well I believe that Fraser is much better on the ground he has better BJJ and Wrestling!

PD-well do you think that Fraser might get knocked out in the fight?

DOS-No I’m not that concerned he is working on his Boxing and muay thai a lot lately he is really concentrating on the muay thai aspect of his mma after he got knocked out in his last fight

PD-Ok well Thanks for your comments and thanks for coming

PD-now everyone Welcome Fraser “the Omen”Opie

Fraser-Hi PD thanks for having me

PD-Fraser how do you see this fight going?

Fraser-I think I’m better than him in every aspect of MMA I’am having a great camp and I’m looking forward to the fight!

PD-well Goodluck and Goodnight every one


Fraser-Thanks all my fans for watching!! if you don’t have tickets yet then what are you waiting for go get some now and Bye!


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