VCC 14
Hyashi's Lounge in Sydney
Merchandise Partner is Voodoo Nutrition offering great products at Great Prises.
Bookmakers for the event is Devils Dice Bookies offering the odds for the Fights.
Clegane- Keys to Victory
BJJ Blue Belt
Good gas tank
Cleganes Boxing and Muay Thai is outstanding compared to his opponent so if this fight stays stood up he is the clear favourite and with a equal BJJ game he stands a good chance of keeping his opponent quiet on the floor.
Texii- Keys to Victory
BJJ Blue Belt
Big heart
Texii's Wrestling is his advantage over Clegane and he has an equal BJJ game which he will be looking to come out on top off his opponent. His big heart may well keep him in this fight and if it goes all the way you never know what will happen.
Fight Card
Clegane vs Texii (Title)
Crown vs Kuli
Dew vs Loens (Title)
Dundee vs Acero
Mason vs Lynch
Kahkonen vs Beefcake
Tolle vs Carter
Bronson vs McShady
Dertli vs Jarles
Hayes vs Leonidas
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