MMA Tycoon Game

The Highstreet - Sydney

One of the most beautiful cities in the world, Sydney's unique location, architecture and fantastic beaches draw tourists from around the world. Sydney's growing MMA community will no doubt be looking to make their mark amongst the global MMA super-cities.

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Fighters 509
Managers 1405
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Combat Kration - Org 
Elite MMA Gyms (space) Elite MMA Gyms (full) Basic Gyms

Gym search Gym Summary

Elite MMA Gyms (invite only)
Cozad MMA Sydney
Combat Kration QFC Org
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
XFC  (Inactive)
Blunt Force Trauma  (Inactive)
Clothing Companies Shopping Tools
Ma Balls Is Hot Clothing 7 day clothing sales
UNDEFEATED Clothing search
Going The Distance
Nutrition Companies Shopping Tools
The Pharmacy Phuket 7 day nutrition sales
Vegan Gains Nutrition search
Knock Out Sups
Bookmakers Other Gambling
N/A Tycoon Lottery
Bet High Low
Sydney Superdome Capacity: 30000
The Bridge Capacity: 10000
Schooners Bar Capacity: 7000
Bondi Outdoor Arena Capacity: 5750
Hard Knocks - Sydney Capacity: 3000
Hyashi's Lounge - Sydney Capacity: 2000
The Underground - Sydney Capacity: 1000
Wild Bob's Bar - Sydney Capacity: 750
Paddy O'Malley's - Sydney Capacity: 700
Micro Arena - Sydney Capacity: 400
Bad Company
Real world shopping

MMA Warehouse - MMA Clothing, round 5 figures etc.
Cafe Press - Enormous clothing (and other items) store. Millions of designs.
Bad Boy MMA - Official sponsors of Lyoto Machida, Diego Sanchez and Shogun Rua
Amazon Store
Bet US - Full odds for all major sports, including MMA

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