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AF Pioneers

Event Review: AF Pioneers
Sydney Fighting Club
2015-06-28, Sydney, Wild Bob's Bar - Sydney
Attendance:566, Event Rating:24
Author:Heri Doank

185 lbs:

Harry Rodgers defeated Davor Suker by unanimous decision.

Davor Suker won the 1st round because he successfully   took  Rodgers down but couldn’t manage submission. 2nd and 3rd dominated by Rodgers who had landed more punches and kicks. A very tight bought.

205 lbs:

Jaka Baring defeated Andy Owen by KO in 0:08 of 1st round.

Only 2 kicks were launched 1 missed and the other landed.  An impressive  head kick by Baring made Owen twisted out cold. Baring now has 4 winning streak.

265 lbs:

Fong Say Yuk  defeated Deni Mukhtar  by unanimous decision.

An excellent bout. 99% for fight rating showed that the crowd very like how they fought. They fought all out with all they have although Say Yuk dominated all rounds.

205 lbs:

Junjun Beenay  defeated Alexander Yakovlev unanimous by decision.

 Yakovlev won 1st round but Beenay took the others. There were many takedown attempts by Yakovlev but he could manage 6 and he couldn’t do any submissions every time he succeed with his takedown.

135+ lbs:

Roger Birbiglia  defeated Amelio Iglesias by TKO in 2:54 of 1st round.

There were not many actions given by them because they both are ground fighters but finally Birbiglia could stop Iglesias with his elbow after succeed with his 2nd takedown that wansn’t expected by Iglesias.

Thank you for reading this review.



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