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Infinity LW Title Tournament

Event Preview: Infinity: LW Title Tourny Rd 1
Infinity (240K&260K)
2016-01-23, Helsinki, Hard Knocks - Helsinki
Author:Tycoon Judas

  Hello everyone Douche McBaggins here, yes the one only Douche has returned from his writers block to preview Infinity (240K&260K)'s Lightweight Title Tournament opening round.


Butch Harris is now back in the MMA business and upon request i fell like i need to get back to work myself. A little about myself my Son of bitch father gave me this name and if i ever see him i may thank him. 


Now lets get down to the Fights this tournament has shaped up real nice 8 of the best Infinity Lightweights will hit the cage jan 23rd for this epic Title Tournament, the winner as stated will get the belt along with a fat 50K bonus and new contract extension. Also there will be Sponsorship deal with****160Q Energy for $150****. Here are the 4 exciting match-ups in store for us


Edu Fola vs Clint Cartwright


Kicking things off will be the #4 seeded Edu Fola taking on the #5 seed Clint Cartwright. Edu took out Chico Sanchez in his Infinity debut to earn a seed in this Tourney, with a 2nd round KO. Edu is a Muay Thai fighter with 5 of his 8 wins coming by way of KO. Clint took out Chiun Remo with a beautiful Sub of the night performance. Cartwright a Abu Dahbi world champ is slick on the ground with 4 submission victories to his credit. This one will be a classic Striker vs Grappler battle, wrestling could be the difference maker in this one.


Chuck Nogueira vs Micah Hays


in the Second matchup of the Tournament the #3 seed Nogueira will face off with #6 seed Micah Hays. Chuck earned his chance in this tournament with impressive KO finishes of Demar Jones and Junior Jawo both in the first round. Chuck likes to keep the fight standing with & KO's in his MMA career, he has a well rounded game. Micah will be making his Infinity debut in this Tournament. Hays is a world class boxer with a good chin but with only 3 KO's does he have the KO Power to finish a fighter like Nogueira.  I see this fight staying on the feet and if it does we will be in for a Fantastic fight.


Tony Sassano Jnr vs Johnny Whiteside


Next up we got the #2 seed Sassano jr set to battle the #7 seed Johnny Whiteside. Tony is making his Infinity debut coming over from the well respected United States Fighting Championship. He is currently on a 6 fight win streak and has the tools to both finish you on the feet and on the ground. Whiteside was one of the last competitors added to the tourney after winning a UD over Pasi Pulkannaru.  The win was huge for Johnny's morale after suffering 4 straight losses he comes into this tournament the underdog but who knows. 


Brady Barnes vs John Taslim


In the final Tournament matchup we will see the #1 seed Brady Barnes square off against the #8 seed John Taslim. Barnes is a Infinity vet and was signed with a impressive 11-2 record here. He comes into this Tournament the odds on favorite, and with 8 KO's, 5Submissions and 6 "of the Night" Awards to his credit you can see why. Taslim will be looking to shock the MMA world in this bout, after a nice finish in his Infinity debut against Junior Jawo. John has a good chin and with 6 KO's he his decent power as well. If he can keep the fight standing i give him a good chance.


So there you go all 8 of these fighters have been training there arses off all month in preparation for this event. And has been my pleasure returning to the MMA world and doing this well intoxicated preview. With a name like Douche McBaggins liqour is my only friend.


Douche Mcbaggins signing off!!!


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