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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

DFC Las Vegas: The future of MMA

Dissolution Fighting Championship (290k+), Fight Organization, Las Vegas
Company profile by Gabe T.S. Gardner

DFC Las Vegas is the future of mixed martial arts. A confident statement but not one that is unfounded. You can't have ignored the coverage in the Tycoon Times of late, the event previews, the fighter profiles or even tips and tricks by the owner of the Las Vegas branch owner Jay Lawrence -

in some form or another it is likely this fledgling fight organisation has already come across your radar.

With the largest talent pool in the world of MMA Tycoon (currently standing at over 300 fighters) and two weekly events, and with its own KT league;

DFC is pushing the boundaries of what fighting organisations have been able to accomplish, especially given their relatively short time of existence.


We’ve all had dealings with organisations lower down the chain of things, I mean who among us has had a fighter make their pro debut in an org like Synchronicity or GAMMA? Barely any if any at all.


The events will often be inconsistently arranged and the merits of who earns a title fight may seem to be decided by the owner on a whim.


DFC does things differently. With production value rivalling the likes of any of the top organisations (frequent, well written previews and reviews by multiple writers, and well-designed posters from talented designers.)

 A clearly laid out fight structure that lets you know where you and your fighters stand in the organisation, it is the ideal proving ground for fighters in the 290k+  group as many established managers have found out, with DFC acting as the kindergarten if you like, to many of their up and coming fighters.


The principal owner of the DFC group, KLE2 is always expanding and currently 3 fight orgs are housed under the DFC umbrella – In St. Petersburg, Las Vegas and most recently Los Angeles. Other fight orgs may see competition as a necessary evil, more of a nuisance than an incentive.



DFC on the other hand wholeheartedly encourages competition, something you will find out for yourself as the DFC: Night of Champions card is assembled, pitting DFC St. Petersburg against DFC Las Vegas in a champion vs champion event for bragging rights. If crave real competition, DFC is for you.


Right now it may be the launching pad for successful fight careers, but if it keeps going on its current trajectory it may well become the destination.


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