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4Kings . 002 - Small recap

Event Review: 4Kings . 002
•••• The Four Kings (305k+)
2017-01-07, Helsinki, The Underground - Helsinki
Attendance:795, Event Rating:64


A solid night of fights guys! We had a bunch of cool finishes and couple real barn burners. The org is still not making any money but that doesn't matter because I know that if it continues on this track the money will soon come (to you aswell!). :D

OTN bonuses were $1000:

- Fight of the night : Bhullar vs Riner - This fight didn't last one full round but what a round it was. Both guys went balls to the wall, blood was everywhere and the crowd went nuts. I love it! :)

- KO of the night : Estaban Chavez - Chavez put on a striking clinic before on 2nd round he finally thought that we've seen enough of his awesomeness and it was time to put the opponent to sleep. Beautiful execution.

- Sub of the night : Michael Sturgis - A picture perfect example why you should not ever spam submissions (or anything else)! The opponent tried to submit Sturgis from every angle and Sturgis just waited patiently for his time to attack and when he went for it the opponent want sleepy tighty. :)

Thanks for the fights guys. I'll be sending new fight offers later today.


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