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4Kings . 005 - A quick recap (the second king is...)

Event Review: 4Kings . 005
•••• The Four Kings (305k+)
2017-02-04, Helsinki, The Underground - Helsinki
Attendance:877, Event Rating:69


Damn that was an eventful fight card. 7 KO's and 2 submission finishes! Only one fight went to distance so the ring side judges didn't have much work to do really. :) The highlight of the evening was the crowning of out second king: Esteban Chavez! Chavez absolutely dismantled his opponent who fought valiantly but had enough in the fourth when Chavez landed the fight ending uppercut. Congrats to the new 145lbs king!!

Of the night bonuses were as follows ($1500 a piece):

- FOTN : Chavez vs Roy - Chavez dominated but Roy showed heart and determination.

- KOTN : Alphonzo Mirage - Mr.Mirage buried a beast of a right hand straight to the ground specialists jaw and ended the fight just in 18 seconds. Brutal!

- SOTN :  Teddy Riner - Riner mounted his opponent like a ghost and took the poor guys arm like it was nothing. A quick tap out is a quick pay day. Nice!

- Dee


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