Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages: Knockout FC and MMA Tycoon are proud to present the latest and greatest NEXT BIG THING in combat sports – Midget KT!!!
Here by popular demand and around for as long as that demand exists, 315k+ 135lb fighters will bludgeon each other according to KT rules for your enjoyment.
We will be holding a Swiss-system tournament to get the ball rolling and to crown our first champion. The division will remain intact after the tournament and will continue to hold KT events every 3 weeks for as long as we can maintain an adequate number of fighters.
Tournament overview: The tournament will be held according to a Swiss-system tournament structure, featuring fights every three weeks, and match-ups based on the fighters’ scores throughout the tournament. Fighters will not be matched together more than once during the tournament rounds and no one will be eliminated until the final round, with each fight running on KT/Muay Thai rules only. For the final tournament round, the top 2 fighters at that time will face each other in 5 three minute rounds to determine the tournament winner and inaugural champion. The 3rd and 4th ranked fighters will fight each other to determine a #1 contender, who will fight for the title at the first post-tournament event.
Tournament Rules:
Conditions of entry: Fighters entering the tournament must have an ID of 315000 or later, be able to make weight at 135 lbs for each fight, be no taller than 150cm and be prepared to fight through all tournament rounds, win, lose, or draw. Fighters must be 18 years old or younger, and be prepared to fight every three weeks until the conclusion of the tournament. Only one entrant per manager will be allowed. There will NOT be a specific creation date – create your fighter(s) as soon as ID 315000 hits.
Testing: Managers may create more than one fighter and test them if they choose and enter the fighter which they like best. Only 1 test fight per fighter please.
Tournament Structure: Based on the Swiss-system, fighters will receive points for each fight (See further down for scoring) and be matched each round with fighters of the same, or similar score but not fighting the same fighter twice. There will be 4 to 6 tournament rounds, depending on the number of entrants. 16 or fewer entrants = 4 tournament rounds, 17 – 32 entrants = 5 tournament rounds, 33 or more entrants = 6 tournament rounds.
Location & Timing of Events: All fights will take place in Las Vegas on Wednesday nights, unless we have over 20 entrants, in which case some events would be in Los Angeles, in order to allow 2 events on the same day. The first round will be at least 3 weeks and not more than 4 weeks after ID 315000 hits. Subsequent rounds will be exactly 3 weeks apart.
Contracts: Fighters will be offered contracts to cover all of the potential 6 tournament rounds, at 4000 Sign / 3000 Fight / 2000 win. Given each fighter will fight every three weeks, this contract will be plenty of financial support to cover all training needs, with a little extra for clothing and supplements.
Fight Rules: KT (Muay Thai) rules apply to each bout, featuring 3 three minute rounds. In the final tournament round, the championship fight and the #1 contender fight will each be 5 three minute rounds.
Match-ups: In the first round all match-ups will be made according to a hype+pop seeding system. For example, if there are 16 participants, in the first round 1 will face 16, 2 vs 15, 3 vs 14, 4 vs 13, 5 vs 12, 6 vs 11, 7 vs 10, and 8 vs 9. With the understanding that upon creation many fighters may have identical hype+pop, the seed will be set according to the ranking order which MMA Tycoon will show for the division here: All participants then proceed to the next round in which winners are pitted against winners, losers are pitted against losers, and so on. In subsequent rounds, each competitor faces an opponent with the same, or almost the same, cumulative point score. No player is paired up with the same opponent twice. During all but the first round, competitors are paired based on approximately how well (or poorly) they have performed so far.
Scoring: Each fighter is awarded points on how they perform, this structure is detailed below.
Win: 3 Points
Lose: 1 Point
Draw: 2 Points
Bye: 2 Points
Refused fight: Minus 2 Points (Opponent would receive a Bye)
Byes: The tournament will endeavor to start with an equal amount of entrants. Byes will be awarded if your opponent refuses to fight, drops out or becomes inactive, or in the event that there are an odd number of participants.
Updates: Scoring will be posted to all competitors after each tournament event.
Final Round: For the final tournament round, the top 2 fighters at that time will face each other in 5 three minute rounds to determine the tournament winner and inaugural champion. The 3rd and 4th ranked fighters will face each other in 5 three minute rounds to determine a #1 contender, who will fight for the title at the first post-tournament event. This is the only stage of the tournament where you MAY face an opponent you have already fought once, the perfect place for redemption. In the event of ties on points in the top 4 upon booking the final round, ties will be broken by calculating cumulative opponent points. In the event there is still a tie, the tie will be broken by the MMA Tycoon hype+pop rankings as will be shown here:
Post Tournament: The division will continue. Fighters not in the tournament are welcome to join the division. KT events will continue to be 3 weeks apart. All tournament fighters will be offered new contracts at the end of the tournament based on their value to the org at that time. However, even for fighters who totally suck ass, their new contracts will not be less than the initial contract amount.
Midget KT Forum Thread:
*** If anyone is willing and able to donate Tycoon $ for Tournament prizes, it would be greatly appreciated! ***
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