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GAMMA#247 Review

Event Review: GAMMA#247 Chigurh v Bantrell
Global Association of MMA
2012-08-04, Las Vegas, MMA Grand
Attendance:16,211, Event Rating:460
Author:Mentor Guru Corleone

 GAMMA#247 ended up being a huge hit for the ratings, with a total of 459.95! This is the highest rating ever achieved in Las Vegas, crushing the previous record held by Syn by 20 points!

  16211 fans packed the MMA Grand to see Sebastian Bantrell pull off a major upset against p4p #1 ranked fighters Anton Chigurh with a 3rd round KO.    In the co-main event Fidel Duberry showed the world why he is the best up and coming fighter in MMA with a dominant decision win performance against Mark Makers. Mark will probably be wondering what he did wrong in this fight as he could not pile enough pressure for a KO/TKO win.    Here are all the results:   - Fedor Jankovic 1st round KO win over Yuri Rook. - Hannibal Die Rücksichtslos Decision win over Xavier Bastarrachea - Adam Macku 1st round TKO win over Paul Jurgen - Jonny Roberts 3rd round TKO win pver Douglas Quaid - Kuiskaaja Rajantakaa decision win over Jorge Cruz - Jesse Venturia 3rd round KO win over Chance Taken - Derek Doomsday 2nd round KO win over Knock Out - Tony Mendez 3rd round KO win over Robert Lindquist   Fight of the night: Sebastian Bantrell vs Anton Chigurh KO of the night: Fedor Jankovic 


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