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California MMA 360K+

CALIFORNIA MMA (360+), Fight Organization, Los Angeles
Company profile by Hassan Jassan

 Hello everybody,

You might allready have seen or heard from us, California MMA. We are a relative new fight org, for 360K+ fighters. We allready had a few events but its ramping up quickly. We have been able to sign some great prospects managed by some top 100 and even top 50 managers. That promises some great entertaining fights coming up! Currently we have 156 fighters signed, and we are not done yet. We keep on looking out for great fighters so we always have the right matchup for YOU. 

We understand since we are a 360K+ org you want your fighters to train. We will always give you a fight offer at least 3 weeks before the fight, so you can prepare for your upcoming opponent. If you want to skip a month to train more thats also ok, you decide when you want to fight. We listen to everyone and try our best to make it a great experience to fight for California MMA!


Soon we will have our first championship fights! So come and join us now....maybe you will hold the belt up soon.


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