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CALIFORNIA MMA (360+) - 'Company closed'

Org name: CALIFORNIA MMA (360+)
Kickboxing Hype:
TWGC Hype:
Fighters signed: 0
Number of events: 190
Base: Los Angeles
Owner: Gut Punch
Ranking (Global):
Ranking (City):
Satisfaction rating: 0% from 0 ratings.
Smack talk: Smack talk thread
Merch partner: None
About us: WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA MMA! All 360K+ fighters are welcome, we have fair fights for everyone. The only requirement is being active. We understand new fighters need time to train and we respect that! If you have any questions please let me know and hope to welcome you soon at California MMA.
Latest News:
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Division Fighters Avg. Age Avg. ID Avg. Hype Notes
135 21 23 368047 80 No Minimum Weight
145 20 24 365872 64 145lbs Minimum Weight
155 34 25 365937 88 155lbs Minimum Weight
170 24 26 365642 112 170lbs Minimum Weight
185 39 24 365701 101 185lbs Minimum Weight
205 33 24 364086 101 205lbs Minimum Weight
265 29 25 365996 89 220lbs Minimum Weight
265+ 21 25 366924 66 275lbs Minimum Weight
Upcoming Events
Today's Events / Recent Events
CMMA 185 2021-11-18 Los Angeles
CMMA 183 2021-11-12 Los Angeles
CMMA 182 2021-11-10 Los Angeles
CMMA 181 Duvernay v Jack 2021-11-07 Los Angeles
CMMA 180 Schrute v Wagner 2021-11-06 Los Angeles

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Top 20 Ranked Fighters (MMA)
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Weight Name Last Win
No champions crowned.

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Staff / Contacts
Owner:   Gut Punch
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