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WolfPac Fighting Alliance(360k+ Restricted), Fight Organization, Helsinki
Company profile by Jared Hicks

 Wolf Pack Fighting Alliance or WPFA is Finland’s premier organizations. Founded in May of 2019 and Based out of Helsinki primarily A 300k+ and 350k+ organization that has developed some fine mma talent and put on some of the best fights Finland has ever seen. WPFA has put on over 500 fights and 55 shows, given out over 200 fight bonuses for more $230,000 dollars. But in April of 2020 WPFA decided to keep developing world class talent and start again with a 360k+ org. That’s right folks! On June 5th the WPFA will officially be strictly a 360k org. What’s to expect from WPFA and it’s team? Here at WPFA we go for heavy hitting fights that consist of bone-crunching grappling. Nightly awards and they help you with sponsorships so you don’t have to go back to that 9 to 5 job. Now giving out 360k contracts for our first event scheduled for mid June. Will you be the Alpha or tonight’s dinner? Let the feast begin!


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