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Madness "Jokers never Die"

Madness MMA (370K), Fight Organization, Las Vegas
Company profile by Tycoon Judas

 The return of the twice promising MMA Organization known as Madness MMA is just around the corner. What better way to kick things off then with an abundance of Tournaments and frantic chaos.

First we have the debut of The "Kings of Madness" which Will be 6 separate tournys running simultaneously in 6 weight Classes. The main goal of the KOM is to crown the Maddest of the mad but also bring up some talented fighters to challenge some of the best Pulse FC has to offer.

If that wasn't enough 40 amateur prospects will be participating in the next season of the "League of Madness". LOM's debut was a bit Insane at times but overall produced Some of the top 205 pounders today. The finale in fact won the "Mad Fight of the year" when Mohammed Kahn beat Ralph McGuire by 4th round TKO in a complete barn burner of a scrap. With nearly triple the contestants this year expect season 2 to be even crazier!

"Joker's never Die and the Madness continues!"


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