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Sucker Punch Pro Series 100 - Event Preview

Event Preview: Sucker Punch Pro Series 100
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2021-12-03, Los Angeles, LA Memorial Colossuseum
Author:Hare Rumpler

Hello out there all you Sucker Punch fans!  Hare Rumpler here along with Donkey “Dan” and we’re about to try to do a speed run through SPPS 100 here! I’m current down in Virginia with my youngest daughter…some of you may know her as the “not so easy to please or impress” one, Nati!  She’s down here for a big four day swim meet and I’m here to be her Uber.  Just got in from the first night of swimming, so it’s 8:20 pm our time right now and I’m going to try to bust this thing out in an hour or so, so she can sleep at a reasonable time to be back up at 6 am!

Now all that said, this preview had to get done because it’s SPPS 100 baby!  Granted, it’s not truly our 100th event, as we had quite a few Cockshot Sorter Series events prior to starting our SPPS events and several Proving Ground events also.  But still, knowing that we’ve got 100 since we’ve fully established ourselves is a bit satisfying and exciting! Especially as we continue the big push towards full unrestricted mode as an org.  Tonight, to celebrate 100, we’re taking a spin over at the LA Memorial Coliseum for the first time!  Yes, it’s about the same size as the Tokyo bowl that we were just as last week, but it’s awesome to see the org spreading it’s wings and going worldwide baby!

There will be some debate over what should really be the Main, Co-Main and next to Main events this evening.  If you go SOLELY by total hype, our Featherweight title fight between Sitsongrit and Connor should be the Main.  However, if you go by total hype plus popularity, Santa and Harrison blow right by them.  In between, you have a fantastic Featherweight contest between Lightweight Champ Frankie Logan, who came down to try on some new opponents for size, and former Featherweight champ Baptiste!  So the Featherweights are WELL represented tonight at the top of this card in LA!

Don’t slack on the rest of this thing though folks!  This is a card that is jam packed full of cheap shot, low-blow, dingle dangle jarring goodness!  There’s not a fight to be missed, so hopefully all our fans over in the US and especially on the Left Coast are taking advantage of the opportunity to catch SPPS live for the first time close to home!

Now, let’s grab a quick word about our merchandise partner and sponsor before moving on!​​​​​​​

Shadow Warrior Nutrition will be on hand again at the event tonight and I cannot say enough about how much we appreciate having them as our merchandise partner and sponsor here at Sucker Punch!  Do yourself a favor…better yet, do your fighters who you spend so much time developing and preparing a favor…and stop by one of their many stands tonight or visit their store to grab some of their Shadow Warrior Tea 160Q.  It is literally the best energy loss reduction supplement money can buy and will keep your fighter in the gym training rather than sitting days out resting!  Stop on over there today, you will NOT be disappointed!

Now, let's get to it!  The full preview is now up here!  Enjoy!



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