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Sucker Punch Pro Series 105 - Jingle Ball Bash Preview

Event Preview: Sucker Punch Pro Series 105
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2021-12-24, Los Angeles, LA Memorial Colossuseum
Author:Hare Rumpler

It’s Christmas Eve and the balls will be ringing…er, I mean, bells…folks!  Tonight we not only prepare for Christmas and Santa’s arrival (those who celebrate at least) and the holiday season continuing in force for all, but we have SPPS 105 ready to stuff everybody’s stockings with!

This has been a fun week as we already had SPPS 104 mid-week which came crashing in with our second highest event rating ever!  Will we top that this evening?  Who knows, but I do know we’ll have fun trying!  All week some of our favorite tunes have been blasting over the sound system as Sucker Punch headquarters which has been music to our ears…literally.  Classics like, “Dingle Dangles, Dingle Dangles, Cheap Shots all the Way!” and Donkey’s personal favorite that he overheard one of our guys singing in the elevator earlier, “All I want for Christmas is to keep my two front teeth…”! 

Suzy even came by earlier laughing, telling me that she overheard one of the guys from the card tonight singing his personal take on the holiday to the tune of, “Logan the red-nosed Scotsman, had a very bloody nose…All of the Lightweights saw it…we hope he comes back and blows…”!  She thinks it was Yip Man lii, but really didn’t get a good look as he turned the corner and was gone!  But seriously…Logan’s not even fighting tonight guys!  Hahaha!  Yes, the festive season is fully upon us folks!    

Now, I know you all have a lot going on and the last thing you want to do is hear me ramble on and on when you’ve got things to get done on Christmas Eve.  So tell you what, let’s hear from our merchandise partner and sponsor, get a few short words in about each fight and we’ll be on our way!  In the meantime, on behalf of myself, Donkey, Suzy and all the rest down undah at Sucker Punch central…we wish you a Merry Christmas and a much health and happiness over the holidays folks!​​​​​​​

When you think about training your fighters, one of the biggest concerns is keeping them in the gym and actively training, am I right? And you can’t do that if they have to be stopping to recover and rest for sessions here and sessions there! That is why you need to visit our sponsor, Shadow Warrior Nutrition, and specifically grab some of their Shadow Warrior Tea 160Q. It is literally the best energy loss reduction supplement money can buy and will keep your fighter in the gym training rather than sitting days out resting! Stop on over there today, you will NOT be disappointed!

Now on to the good stuff!  The full preview is now up here folks, and Merry Christmas!



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