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Tycoon Times - MMA Magazine
Tycoon Times - The World's Premier Weekly Mixed Martial Arts Newspaper

IMMAC Fight Gear™ Grand Opening

Company, Nutrition Company, Las Vegas
Company profile by John Phillips

A new Clothing Company called IMMAC Fight Gear™ has opened for business in Las Vegas.  Well known Finnish business advisor, John Phillips who recently opened his own Training Facility has now extended his empire by opening this new clothing company.

IMMAC Fight Gear™ is part of Phillip’s International MMA Council group of companies and plan to become the official event partner for the forthcoming ID restricted org.

“We are pleased to release our first line of t-shirt and shorts designs. I’m really pleased with how they have turned out. I think they look fantastic!” said an animated Phillips.  He also added “We will aim to add new designs every month.  Please support us by purchasing from our company and let us know what you think of our designs. Our prices will always be affordable!”

Keep an eye out on our company page here:


And also, on our forum page here:


Here you will find all the latest news and updates in relation to the company, including new designs etc.  And don’t forget to subscribe to our mailing list as well!

Phillips added “Our goal is to make a sponsorship offer to every single fighter who signs up to the forthcoming IMMAC ID restricted org.  Our sponsorship offers will be competitive and will give every fighter who signs with the org a much-needed cash boost to help them with training and supplement costs.”

Phillips also added “IMMAC Fight Gear™ also plan to offer Laundry at 20% plus transfer fees.  With regard to laundry, contact us before purchasing, requesting the amount of product you want to purchase and we will mail you back promptly to arrange the sale.  If you don’t, we will consider it a donation.  This is because we may have already promised the product to someone else.”


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