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Sucker Punch Pro Series 161 - Event Preview

Event Preview: Sucker Punch Pro Series 161
Sucker Punch Pro Series (390K)
2022-07-15, Tokyo, Tokyo Bowl
Author:Hare Rumpler

Hello out there Sucker Punch fans and family!  Hare Rumpler here and as always I’ve got my buddy and analyst, Donkey “Dan”, right here with me as we get set to take a close look at SPPS 161 which kicks off over in Tokyo, Japan this evening! 

And part of this preview will see Nati Batti joining us as she plans to take care of the middle portion of the card, likely fights 3-8, with Donkey adding his input along with her. I’ll get things kicked off for the first two fights and the two Main Events though!  For those of you unfamiliar, Nati is the youngest of my three RL daughters who will occasionally moonlight for us in previews/reviews.  Once in a while you’ll also get the abusive ramblings of Risa Roo, my oldest daughter, as well!  But you’ll be spared from her this evening and only get “Risa Roo Light”, as I call her little sister Nati.

As you all know, here at Sucker Punch we’ve had some crazy exciting stuff going on over the past several days with the biggest news yet for our org having just been announced…the merger of Canadian Fighting Championship into our fold!  What does this all mean?  More fun!  More new faces!  More flexibility!  More opportunities for all to scramble up those ladders!  MORE cheap shots and Sucker Punches to be dished out, dingle dangle low-blows and all, and brand new folks to introduce those to! LOL!  But more than anything, the ability for us here at Sucker Punch to continue the tradition of great fights that CFC offered the fine folks sliding over to us and at the same time introduce them to some of the things that I think makes Sucker Punch Pro Series special! 

So all that said, let’s get to the action tonight!  We’ve got a Featherweight Championship fight on tap as the Main Event this evening but before that you folks will be treated to NINE other amazing, action packed showdowns along the way!  And when you’ve got Middleweights like Fadda Jr and Souppe opening things up and quickly followed by representation from the BIG BOY SQUAD with Spong and Bamboo Face going at it, well, you know the night is about to go off the hook!!!

There’s a ton more in between but let’s just grab a word from our sponsor and merchandise partner here and then jump into detailed discussion for each contest this evening!

Our fantastic and respected sponsor is Shadow Warrior Nutrition!   Many of you already know them as the providers of Shadow Warrior Tea 160Q., THE energy loss reduction supplements!  For those of you who aren’t in the know on that, you should be, because this is the way you keep your fighter training more often and not taking sessions off to try to keep his energy above 90%!  If you aren’t using this supplement, hurry over and check them out today, you will not be disappointed!

Now, let's get to it!  The full preview is now up here, enjoy!



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